Introduce Yourself

adjadj83 Posts: 41 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Copy and paste this template in your reply and fill in whatever information you wish to share.

Starting Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
What percentage of your diet is plant based?
What percentage of your diet is raw?
What percentage of your diet would you like to be raw?
What is your exercise routine?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite fruit?
Did you like vegetables as a child?
Do you juice?
Do you own a high speed blender? (Vita Mix, Nutri Bullet, Ninja or Blentec)
Biggest struggles in your weight loss journey:
Any other information you would like to disclose about yourself:


  • adjadj83
    adjadj83 Posts: 41 Member
    I'll go first!

    Name: Angela
    Age: 59
    City: Culver City, CA
    Starting Weight: 178
    Current Weight: 161
    Goal Weight: 141
    What percentage of your diet is plant based? Usually 40% (Now 98%)
    What percentage of your diet is raw? 20%
    What percentage would you like your diet would you like to be raw? 75%
    What is your exercise routine? Yoga, Strength Training 3x week, Cardio 3x week.
    What is your favorite food? Chocolate Ice Cream
    What is your favorite fruit? Mango
    Did you like vegetables as a child? No.
    Do you juice? Sometimes
    Do you own a high speed blender? (Vita Mix, Nutri Bullet, Ninja or Blentec) I own a Vita Mix and Nutri Bullet
    Biggest struggles in your weight loss journey: Food is my friend.
    Any other information you would like to disclose about yourself:
    I am a personal trainer and was injured in a car accident and unable to train. I gained weight and became despondent. I started eating a plant-based diet six weeks ago, went on a 30 day Green Smoothie Challenge and feel incredible. I lost about 17 pounds so far and mood elevated. I'm looking forward to reaching my goal before Christmas and getting stellar results on my blood test when I go for my annual physical.

    I started this group to share what I'm learning on this journey to wellness.
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    Copy and paste this template in your reply and fill in whatever information you wish to share.

    Name: Jeanne
    Age: 44
    City: Tacoma, WA
    Starting Weight: N/a
    Current Weight: N/a
    Goal Weight: N/a
    What percentage of your diet is plant based? 97%
    What percentage of your diet is raw? 90%
    What percentage of your diet would you like to be raw? I’m good with what I currently do.
    What is your exercise routine? Strength, interval, and circuit training mixed with running and steady state cardio 6x/week
    What is your favorite food? Hot fudge sundae (if I’m being honest)
    What is your favorite fruit? Mango
    Did you like vegetables as a child? No
    Do you juice? Sort of
    Do you own a high speed blender? (Vita Mix, Nutri Bullet, Ninja or Blentec) YES!!!!!!!!! Vita Mix (arrived yesterday – so excited!!) and Nutri Bullet
    Biggest struggles in your weight loss journey: Husband and I eat 2 totally different ways – He eats whatever he wants and is “meat and potatoes” type of guy; also – cost of raw diet and finding decent produce.
    Any other information you would like to disclose about yourself: Trying to get off my medicine. Have a neurological disorder and feel meds are making symptoms worse. Trying to do raw/unprocessed/vegan/whole/”food in its most natural state” diet to get the toxins (meds) out of my system so my body doesn’t have to fight chemicals from foods as well as medicine. Tough battle. Haven’t read The Science of Eating Raw by Swayze Foster, but it she and I have the same neurological struggles. Allegedly, she got rid of hers with a raw diet, but I am skeptical.

    Have Ani Phyo books – Raw Kitchen Essentials, Raw Food Kitchen, and Fat Blast. Her sweet recipes are awesome. But, I am struggling to find more than two decent savory meals. Rawzania and Stuffed Serrano Peppers with Mole Sauce are good.

    PS - I like the way you set this up so we had specific things to answer. :)
  • adjadj83
    adjadj83 Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome Jeanne,
    It is great to meet someone eating raw and working out. Most of the people in the gym are carnivores.

    Have you read "Conscious Eating" by Gabriel Cousens? That is a really good book. I met someone that went to his retreat in Arizona, Tree of Life. He is a medical doctor and raw foodist. She was very impressed by his knowledge. She is very ill from living in a home with mold. He put her on a liver cleanse.

    Anyway, check him out.

  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    I will. Thanks! I love reading about all this stuff. Right now, I am reading Scott Jurek's "Eat and Run". Good book.
  • Name:Jane
    City: Smethport, PA
    Starting Weight:183
    Current Weight:180
    Goal Weight:130
    What percentage of your diet is plant based? 60%
    What percentage of your diet is raw? 30%
    What percentage of your diet would you like to be raw?
    What is your exercise routine? practice for 5k, walking
    What is your favorite food? Spaghetti
    What is your favorite fruit? Apple
    Did you like vegetables as a child? No
    Do you juice? No
    Do you own a high speed blender? (Vita Mix, Nutri Bullet, Ninja or Blentec) Yes
    Biggest struggles in your weight loss journey: Going at it alone. Seems my circle of friends and family either don't need to watch what they eat or just plain don't care.
    Any other information you would like to disclose about yourself:
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    Name: Kirstin
    Age: 35
    City: Kent, UK
    Starting Weight: 182
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 126
    What percentage of your diet is plant based? 100%
    What percentage of your diet is raw? 60%
    What percentage of your diet would you like to be raw? 90%
    What is your exercise routine? Gym
    What is your favorite food? Fruit salad
    What is your favorite fruit? Lychees
    Did you like vegetables as a child? Yes
    Do you juice? No
    Do you own a high speed blender? (Vita Mix, Nutri Bullet, Ninja or Blentec) No
    Biggest struggles in your weight loss journey: Falling off the vegan wagon and going back to fatty meats