Profile / Primary Goal setting - please help?

Cladf Posts: 60 Member
Hey everyone

So I am absolutely flummoxed by this - I can figure out how to change my individual goals for FitBit, that's all good - but I can't for the life of me work out how I change what my primary goal is that shows on my profile. I've googled and still coming up with no hints based on what I see on my profile page. Could someone please enlighten me on how to do this?
Thanks! :blush:


  • GLH2576
    GLH2576 Posts: 83 Member
    Go to your Dashboard (the page with the Tiles). Hover your cursor over whatever goal you want to change and you will get a couple of options. Click on the "gear" wheel option and a box will open that will allow you to change the goal that is associated with that Tile. Not very intuitive on Fitbit's part, but it works once you know where it is hidden.