
Gem1ni619 Posts: 13 Member
Hey everyone I wanted to know some tips and secrets for combating cravings? The end of last week I slipped off the bandwagon. But I got myself back on track. What does everyone do to tackle them?


  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    It depends on what I am craving. If I am craving something high in protein that is good for me like sashimi/sushi or a pork chop (my two favorites), then I will have it usually once/twice a week. If I am craving something that isn't so good for me like cake or cookies, I will think about the progress I have made and my overall goals. If that craving doesn't fit with those goals, then I will find something to busy myself with--take a walk, play with the dog--whatever it takes to get me through it.

    You just have to find what motivates you to stay on track. I set mini-goals and give myself non-food rewards for meeting them. When I dropped below 200 pounds, I bought some new and new-to-me clothes. When I get to 180, I am going to get a power tower for dips, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc.

    You can do this! You are strong! Good for you for getting back on track quickly!
  • Gem1ni619
    Gem1ni619 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much this makes perfect sense to me. I have always been a big meat eater so I think its been really tough on that aspect but if I'm wise with my choice I can work this in just a little when I absolutely need to so I won't feel so deprived
  • taivazian
    it is possible that you could be craving iodine, have some shrimp as a meal.