September births!

meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
Where are we all at ladies??? Its our month! I'd love to hear how everyone's bodies are preparing for labor and find out who has their babies and when!

I'm due 9/25 (38 weeks tomorrow!) with my 3rd. Had been getting a lot of strong BH last week, wrapping around from lower back cramping, but its died down. Baby still high, not engaged. I think I'll make it to my due date!

How about you???


  • oatmealeater
    oatmealeater Posts: 6 Member
    I'm due 9/22. Started feeling some strong BH today, but doctor thinks I will make it to my due date. That's fine with me!

    Think I allowed myself to get a little dehydrated by accident today, so trying to drink more water.
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    I am a due on the 25th as well, with my first--and I started experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions earlier this week. Baby girl has started dropping, but I am not sure about progress beyond that as my Dr. doesn't start "checking" until next week. My belly does seem to be getting rounder too, although I haven't gained anymore weight in the last two weeks (I am already +35lbs overall).

    I am feeling a bit nauseous on and off the last several days--I am thinking it is because baby girl is running out of room and squishing my stomach? This may be why I am not gaining any more weight either--I don't feel super hungry?

    I am lucky and have had a pretty good pregnancy so far--my worst complaint right now is the swelling of my feet. I started wearing Toms to work and that has helped because my ballet flats were squishing my feet and starting to get really uncomfortable.

    I am certainly ready to get this party started and meet my baby girl!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Oooh, its so exciting!!! I have to watch out for dehydration, too. I try to drink 3-4 liters a day and on days I only get 2 in, I seem to have more bh/aching/crampiness, etc. SInce I've had 2 other babies, I've heard mine likely won't drop until labor begins. While I'd like the extra room to breath, I'm not sure I'd want the constant pressure down there! lol I don't even remember my past babies dropping very much...I was induced with both of them.

    Erindolly, I'm well over 35+lbs gained too. I always gain about 45lbs and I'm at 48lbs right now. I've cut out all sweets at this point b/c i was spilling some glucose in my urine at my prenatal last week, so I'm hoping I'm done gaining. (Despite eating healthy for the majority of my pregnancy, I went on a 3 week junk food binge a couple of weeks ago. Whoops!) I'm actually pleased with how well my pregnancy has gone, though. Do either of you guys see a chiro? I started going to one around 32 weeks and she has been amazing!!! My hips/lower back don't hurt at all anymore! (As long as I see her regularly) My one complaint is that I'm just now starting to get some carpal tunnel sensations in my left hand, but pretty soon I won't have to worry about it!!! I'm SO excited for labor!!! (But I also have quite a few more things to finish, so I'd like to make it to my due date...which I'm sure I will have no problem doing!)

    Do you guys have birth plans? How are you hoping things go?
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    I have tons of stuff I want to get done before she arrives, so it would be good if she waited until around the 25th to make her debut, but I'd still be happy if she came a little bit early too!

    I haven't seen a Chiropractor before, but I only really felt back pain two weeks ago when we were moving. I think I overdid it--hard not to when you are moving at 36 weeks pregnant! I've been trying to rest more even though there is still tons of unpacking to do, and since I have been resting more, I have felt a lot better. I don't have an official birth plan, but I would like to go as natural as possible and have expressed this to my Dr. I would like to avoid an epidural; however, if I do end up having to be induced for some reason, I am going to consider an epidural because I understand the birth process tends to be a lot longer/more painful.

    Do you have a birth plan or have you had one for your other births? What are your plans?
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I had wanted things to be all natural for my first two births, but it didn't work out. With my first, I was induced at 41 weeks for high blood pressure. The combination of pitocin, breaking my water, and having to lay in bed was way too much for me and I got an epidural, which I don't regret at all! She was born less than 4 hours after the epidural with only a few pushes!

    With my second, it was through a military hospital and they pretty much forced me into an induction at 38 1/2 weeks b/c I had ONE elevated blood pressure reading. (And it was only 140/90 b/c I was running late for the appt, and it came right down. all the rest of my readings were normal, but they did their fear mongering). It sucked. I was on Magnesium, which actually stops contractions, and pitocin, to create contractions. I was confined to bed and they made me get a catheter. After 24 hours, I wasn't really in active labor yet, so they insisted on breaking my water, which I knew would bring on the super intense stuff when combined with pitocin, so I got an epidural beforehand. Once they broke my water, she was out within 3 hours, minimal pushing again. So, I don't have anything against epidurals! lol But supposedly, when your body naturally goes into labor, your body creates endorphins to handle the pain and its not as hard and intense as the pitocin/water breaking combo.

    This time around, I'm having a home birth, which is why I'm SO excited!!! I get major anxiety with the hospital and doctors pushing me around, etc. I know being relaxed is the key to a smooth birth, so I'm looking forward to being in my bedroom, no constant fetal monitoring, listening to music, being able to move and use a birth tub! I have a doula, too. I should have gotten one for my hospital births, but I didn't know any better. I will say, the civilian hospital was way more natural-minded/patient-friendly than the military hospital, so I'm sure your experience will be a great one! I agree with them inducing me with the first baby since I was past due and really had high blood pressure. The second time, though...well, I just get angry thinking about it! LOL

    Each pregnancy, my joints loosen up more, so this was my first time having real hip pain. I had twinges of it with my second pregnancy, but it didn't prevent me from being active. This time around, it really messed me up. But I'm grateful its all better!

    What do you have left to do?
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, thanks for sharing your stories! Your birthing experiences, especially the one at the military hospital sound traumatic! Hopefully this time around, you get exactly what you want! The third time is a charm, right?

    Well, since we've just moved in, I have a lot of unpacking/organizing/decorating I want to do throughout the whole house. We still need to get a dresser for the little one, but we've got other odds and ends in her room until we can move some other stuff into the attic, which of course, I can't really help with. Also, we are trying to get get the house we just moved out of ready to rent--I believe we will be hiring people to fix it up and paint it, although we are usually the DIY-type so that is very hard. But with the baby coming in ten days and all of the stuff we need to do at the new house, we believe it will be smarter to pay someone else do all that work quickly so we can just get our house rented already.

    I've been pretty active throughout my pregnancy, which has been great, but over the last week or so, I've really hit a wall. I've begun the tired, heavy, swollen, and generally achy phase. The good news is, only 10 more days until her due date--and I am really hoping she will be on time, or maybe a couple of days early!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Wow, you have a lot on your plate! I think its smart to hire people in that situation, though I know how you feel. My husband and I like to do everything ourselves, too!

    Also, I hope I didn't come across badly about hospital births or anything! I know many people have wonderful experiences. Mine just weren't that great and I wanted to try something different. I have major anxiety, too, so that was another draw to have privacy at home, etc. I think its great that you are open to going with the flow! I bet you will have an easy birth! Can't wait to hear about it! :)

    I am feeling SO huge now. I don't know how much bigger this baby can get! lol
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Are we all still pregnant? LOL
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    I am--and yesterday at my 39 week appointment the doc said she still needs to drop a bit and there is no indication she's coming soon! :(
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Still pregnant here, too. Due tomorrow, but highly doubt baby will arrive on time. #1 was 3 days late, so fully expecting this one to be a bit late well. I saw an OB for my first pregnancy, and one of my reasons for going the midwife route this time was because I'd built a relationship with my doctor, only to have a different doctor at the delivery because they're only on call every 10 days. I found out at my appt the other day that my #1 midwife has a conference from Sun-Wed, and my #2 midwife is off for a few weeks right now. So if I go into labour before Thursday morning it sounds like I'll be seeing my #3/4 midwives, only one of which I've met (and actually prefer to my #1 to be honest!). Go figure! Ah well. Overall I feel like I'll have a better experience this time (not that the last was bad) and I'm not too worried.

    I think we're as ready as can be for #2 to arrive. I remember little things every now and then, but nothing major. I think the biggest challenge right now is making a final decision on our girl name since we keep reconsidering the one we previously agreed on. Kind of hoping for a boy since we have a name chosen already! (Plus then we'd have one of each...)

    My midwife doesn't do "checks" (and neither did my doc until my last appt when I happened to be in the early stages of labour anyway), but just by palpitating the other day she said baby is still high, and also said the same as Meggwyn that 2nd+ babies don't tend to drop until labour begins. I've had BH for quite a while, but I didn't figure out I had them until last week! With my first it was clear that I was having BH from 22w onwards. This time I had some around 27-28 weeks that felt like what I'd experienced in the past. The past several weeks I've suddenly had this feeling that my lungs were being crushed and just figured it was the baby jamming its feet/bum into my lungs, but clued in one day when I was feeling my belly and noticed my whole uterus was hard. Turns out they've been BH the whole time. I just assumed they'd feel the same with each baby. They've been getting stronger and more frequent, but nothing feels "promising".
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Still pregnant here! lol 40 weeks as of yesterday. I'm going to have my husband get my pump out of the attic this weekend and maybe try that. I'm doing Evening primrose oil. I need to do more walking, too, but I've been too busy sewing. I've gotten a bunch of stuff made this week though! 2 crib sheets, like, 5 hats, a gown, a boppy cover, and 7 fitted diapers. I need to make more diapers and a few more gowns and nursing pads still.

    I started taking an iron supplement about a week and a half ago and it did wonders for my energy and overall feeling well, so I've had energy to work on things. Its been great! And my hips were acting up again bc my chiro was having me sit instead of lay down on the table. Well, I laid down for my 2 visits this week and she got my sacrum back in line, so I'm actually feeling really good! I just want the baby to come soon so I can stop dreading my prenatal appts! lol I'm so afraid my blood pressure is going to creep up again!
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there--checking in. I am still pregnant and now five days overdue. I have had cramping/contractions on and off the last couple of days--especially at night and lost my mucus plug (or at least part of it) in the middle of the night last night. During the day I've been getting occasional cramping, but nothing close to regular intervals. It is getting really though to go into work each day and be asked by everyone and their mom about why I am still here. Physically I feel okay, but emotionally this is starting to take a toll on me. I am getting constant emails/ text messages and phone calls asking about my status. I can say that the last five days have been some of the longest days of my life so far! Hurry up baby girl--you are making things tough for your mommy!!!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey there--checking in. I am still pregnant and now five days overdue. I have had cramping/contractions on and off the last couple of days--especially at night and lost my mucus plug (or at least part of it) in the middle of the night last night. During the day I've been getting occasional cramping, but nothing close to regular intervals. It is getting really though to go into work each day and be asked by everyone and their mom about why I am still here. Physically I feel okay, but emotionally this is starting to take a toll on me. I am getting constant emails/ text messages and phone calls asking about my status. I can say that the last five days have been some of the longest days of my life so far! Hurry up baby girl--you are making things tough for your mommy!!!

    Oooh, sounds like you are really close!!! I have only had the BH real contractions. My midwife is going to strip my membranes Thursday morning, so I'm hoping that will help things start up. If not, I expect to still be pregnant next week! lol I can't wait to hear your update that your little one is here! I really do think it will be soon! :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Erindolly - tell your coworkers, etc, to check out this link I highly recommend using it as your Facebook status, too. Kept people from bugging me during my first pregnancy. :laugh:

    I had my baby on Sept 22 but haven't had much online time on the computer (just my iPod and I can't see the message boards) I will try to post a proper update/birth story soon!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    So, I'm in early labor! Yay! Things started last night and its going slow today, but I know I'm making progress! Its so nice to not have to go anywhere. Ctx aren't regular, but they are there! I've been losing my plug throughout the past 24 hours, too. This is so neat to me b/c I've always been induced before. I love seeing my body slowly start up this process! Anyway, I'll check back in later. 41 weeks today! How is everyone else?
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Meggwyn - I'm not a September date but just popped into say 'congratulations and hope all goes well for you'. Look forward to hearing your exciting updates :flowerforyou:
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Meggwyn - I'm not a September date but just popped into say 'congratulations and hope all goes well for you'. Look forward to hearing your exciting updates :flowerforyou:

    Thanks! Unfortunately, things petered out. :/ Hoping they pick back up today or tomorrow! At least my cervix will be ready and it ought to go quickly when it does start up! lol
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey, just wanted to update! I had my little girl early sunday morning...October 5th! It was a wonderful home birth. I had about 6 hours of very light contractions, that I don't even feel like I should count! I just listened to music in my room and bounced on my ball. From 8pm-10pm, they were 10 minutes apart. From 10pm-2pm, they were 3-4 minutes apart, but still really easy. I tried to take a nap at 2am and woke up with a huge contraction and audible "POP" as my water broke at 2:30am. Went right into transition, hopped in birth pool, and she was born at 3:42am!!! I can't believe how quickly it went! SO different from a hospital birth. That hour of transition/pushing was super painful and intense, but over so quickly! After about 45 minutes of intense ctx, my body just started pushing on its own! I couldn't believe she was already ready to come out! She was 8lbs 6oz, 20.5 inches long, and we named her Ygritte Snow. (Pronounced "Eye-grette"). I hope all of you other September ladies have had your little ones by now and that it went great!