How is everyone doing?

This is sooooooo frustratingly slow for me! I've only lost 1 pound this month. I know that eating at a 200 calorie deficit doesn't allow for much loss per week, but it still feels like I should be making more progress. I'm being way more careful with weighing food, since estimating can blow that deficit away in no time.

What about everyone else?


  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Hi! I am on maintenance now. I lost my 10 vanity pounds in July. I am at 111 pounds at 5' 3 1/2;" 35"-27"-33. That 10 lbs. made a HUGE difference!!
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    @missjeanlouis What's your training routine like? If you're keeping the low deficit, maybe you can do more at the other end of the spectrum with workouts?

    @aedreana Great job! Keep it up. I, too, finally finished losing the 10lbs I was aiming at. I'm now working on losing a little more fat and maintaining muscles. Just a bit more to go. :)
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    i haven't seen a lot of progress lately, but with how hectic my summer has been, i'm honestly considering just being relatively consistent and not backsliding to be a major win for now.
  • MetalTes
    MetalTes Posts: 20 Member
    i haven't seen a lot of progress lately, but with how hectic my summer has been, i'm honestly considering just being relatively consistent and not backsliding to be a major win for now.

    This is pretty much my mindset at the moment as well, I have just had so much going on! I'm trying to get back on track now though, starting with a trip to the farmer's market in the morning….I've missed my farm fresh veggies!!
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    @missjeanlouis What's your training routine like? If you're keeping the low deficit, maybe you can do more at the other end of the spectrum with workouts?

    That's what I'm trying to do. I'm doing StrongCurves 3x/ week and running about 15 miles per week. Like others have said, just trying not to backslide right now. I'm in a super-busy time at work and will be for the next 8 weeks, so I've just got to hold on tight to whatever routine I can. I'm also really trying to prioritize other forms of progress over what the scale says, but the scale is so familiar!
  • MinaValkyrie
    MinaValkyrie Posts: 9 Member
    Actual weight loss is going slow for me as well, and though I'd like to see it on the scale I know it's just not going to happen right now. I'm struggling with the diet (surprise, surprise - I love food) but I'm staying pretty consistent with my workout routine thanks to Runkeeper and an energetic roommate/workout buddy.

    A better measurement of progress would be measuring yourself, there are places in here for that as well and that will be more telling than just the number on a scale. I know for myself since I've gone from lazy to 3-4x week runner and 2x week strength training that I'm not losing on the scale due to muscle gains. The weight will happen eventually, so I'm taking pleasure in my NSV for now (I can fit in Juniors clothes again!!). Keep your head up and keep at it, it'll happen. That phrase I like to remember (even if it's overused) is that you didn't put on all the extra weight in a day/week/month, so it won't come off in a day/week/month either.
  • changsofa
    So good to see where everyone is at! It's been about 2 months since this group began and I'm loving how supportive it's been through the MFP diaries!

    I've hit my lowest weight the first time in the last 6 years at 127lbs! Other than that, went home, came back, and I'm back at 129lbs but it's still within the fluctuation range (I keep reminding myself that I can pee out ~2 lbs & it's happened in more than one occasion... lol). So I basically didn't change too much in my two weeks vacation. *fist pump!*

    As for excercises, I've hurt my back over break trying to kick a sandbag really heard (boo contact sports injury :( So I've had to deload on my lifting routine in StrongLifts (nooooooo). I started swimming though. Like this past sunday lol. I'm planning to invest in a pair of goggles and actually swim between my non-lifting days. It's surprisingly calming (but also tiring!).
  • athomebody
    athomebody Posts: 19 Member
    In the last couple of weeks i have been back to the gym to lift weight a few times, which feels great.
    I still play ultimate frisbee a couple nights a week.
    And I also started doing yoga once or twice a week and I really love the workout it gives me. I was really happily surprised.
    In just over a couple of weeks I have lost about 5 lbs.
    I cut out junk food andI'm eating better. I think I can still eat a little better but I am taking small steps.
    The only cardio I get is from playing ultimate frisbee twice a week. This week I plan to start doing cardio in the mornings before my day starts.
  • MetalTes
    MetalTes Posts: 20 Member
    I've actually been doing better than it looks here, haven't really been tracking any workouts other than my morning yoga, as I'm not really doing many structured workouts, just doing a lot of work around the house, which is plenty of exercise! We pretty much know what to eat & how much of it, so I don't track that anymore either, not a lot of fun for everyone to watch, I realize! Lol! BUT, from mid-July until mid-September, my waist measurement has gone down by TWO INCHES!! That's better than anything the scale will tell me!! I still wouldn't mind to lose a few more pounds, but as long as I'm rearranging the pounds I have, I'm good with that! Haha!!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I began maintenance on July 30, at 111.5 lbs. with clothing. Today, 61 days later, I weigh 111.4 lbs. with clothing. I am thrilled to have pinpointed my maintenance calorie allotment!:bigsmile:
  • MetalTes
    MetalTes Posts: 20 Member
    aedreana wrote: »
    I began maintenance on July 30, at 111.5 lbs. with clothing. Today, 61 days later, I weigh 111.4 lbs. with clothing. I am thrilled to have pinpointed my maintenance calorie allotment!:bigsmile:

    That's awesome!! So happy for you! Do you feel like it's hard to do, like…are you feeling deprived or anything? Or do you think you're going to be able to keep it up long term?