Get to know one another :D

I don't know about you guys, but I genuinely think seeing my friends out and about is gonna motivate the heck outta me! So maybe we introduce ourselves, talk about our goals, and say an interesting fact?


  • black_vortex
    black_vortex Posts: 3 Member
    Good plan, though I dont know what to say :) I'm Amy; I'm (almost) 26. I've danced my whole life; and enjoy hiking/camping and occasionally surfing (but I rarely get to do these these days). Total fangirl too (watching/listening to tv shows/books is super helpful for me for exercise).

    I have a couple of chronic health conditions that are a pain health / fitness wise; one of which is pretty rare and requires me to do weird things with my diet (so if you see something that doesnt look right; thats possibly why).

    A few years back I put on a fair amount of weight (damn you office jobs). Last year I did a health kick and lost about half of what i'd put on. I want to lose the other half to get back to my pre-office job weight; and then a tiny bit more (or get closer to my ideal weight). I also really want to improve my cardio fitness and strength + flexibility (especially arm strength; I am *so* weak); and things like the mud/colour runs and raves are my major goals.

    Not quite sure what else to say, except that I'm totally up for poking/being poked and I really hope we all find this useful whatever our goals :)
  • mty10
    mty10 Posts: 1 Member
    Same, not sure what to say :p

    Michael, 19. I'm a Firefighter and I guess that's part of it - fitness for fire season etc. I'm phyiscially always going to be big + solid (6"3 and a muscly *kitten* heritage wooh) but 120+ is not a place I'd like to be, so losing some of the gut I got when I stopped playing rugby is another goal.

    But yeah, cardio is the big one for me, and losing fat + not gaining /too/ much muscle... as weird as that is.
  • Hey :)

    I'm Steph, I'm 20... ummm I basically stopped swimming after I stopped competing but didn't change how much I ate (and that was like 4 years ago) so I'm trying to re-train myself not to eat like a horse and lie around the house.
    Recently moved somewhere that has a gym so I'm going there 3-5 times a weeks :)
    Started a belly dance class with my friend this term too so I'm getting a bit of fun exercise in.
    Also just got a job as a swimming teacher so I want to look good in the pool and be able to keep up with the kids better.
  • Hi. Tina here. 21.
    Been trying to get under 100kgs for a few years now and just haven't really succeeded. I'm also a firefighter and it would be particularly awesome if I could lose some weight and gain some fitness for this coming fire season. I've always been pretty strong and stocky but the weight is something I have to work on.
    I used to ride my bike and walk and dance with a choir I was in but now I've finished highschool and moved into Uni, excersicing and motivation has been sparse. I also have some awesome fatigue issues but most of the time (except recently) I can manage them.
    Motivation is something I really struggle with and I think it will be awesome having a few extra people on here to keep me interested and moving.
  • AmysCrazy
    AmysCrazy Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm Amy, (if you are wondering yes I am main page admin Amy Leigh) and I am so excited I get to loose weight with you lovely people. I am 18 and during the HSC I put on 25 kg and now I am keen to get fit again. I was 60kg and now I am 85kg so yes I am not very happy in my skin at the moment. I do heaps of yoga and walking because I don't have a car. Hopefully with the thought of you guys watching what I do on here will help me to do the right thing and help me loose weight :)