Is my Fitbit really getting all my steps?

BarbieQLoo Posts: 16 Member
I have a Flex and it is on my non-dominant (left) wrist. Since I have bought this device I notice that I do a lot of things that require my arms to be static like grocery shopping, laundry, and carrying heavy loads aka children. During these activities my arm is not swinging back and forth; does that mean it is not counting my steps?

Any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in adavance,


  • glitter1021
    glitter1021 Posts: 11 Member
    I have noticed that as well. A friend of mine, who owns a Fitbit, will put it on her shoe laces when she is shopping so that all her steps are tracked. I do it when I am on the treadmill because I tend to hold on to the treadmill railings.
  • ccjlgrider
    ccjlgrider Posts: 49 Member
    I wore it while pushing my daughter in a stroller and it picked up all of my steps.
  • BarbieQLoo
    BarbieQLoo Posts: 16 Member
    I have thought about wearing around my ankle for a little bit. Thank you for your input.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I have a force and I noticed that it doesn't pick up my steps at work or if I'm going up/down stairs. I switched it to my ankle and it works fine now. :)