Newb Question -- first week too easy?

meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
Right, so I'm sure this is answered elsewhere, but I've dug around a little and I can't find a specific thread for it. I did SL 5x5 today and loved it. I love the structure, the simplicity -- good stuff. I started it because I suspect that my form has been crap and has been holding me back. I want to fix that.
But the recommended weights were hella easy. I've been lifting for a while now, so I started off with half my max, like they said. So 70 lbs on squats, 70 on the bench, 65 on barbell rows (new exercise for me, so I went a little light). And it was all too easy. I barely broke a sweat.
Is this OK? Should I be adding more weight to my next workout? Or should I just stick with the program? I want to do things right and with good form, and I trust that this program works, but I also want to, like, get stronger and not spend time spinning my wheels.


  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Trust. The. Program.
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    ^^Computer zapped out before I finished. It may seem easy right now, but really focus on your form (what you said want to work on). The weights get heavy really quickly--you are adding 5lbs to squat, bench, row, ohp and 10 to dls EACH workout. That really adds up fast. Take the time now when it feels easy to work out any form issues so you will be able to effectively lift the heavier weights. Good Luck!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    bruerin wrote: »
    Trust. The. Program.


    If you read some of the info on the site - he addresses this. When you feel like it's light you should be perfecting your form, and focusing on engaging the correct muscles. Also, just because you don't "feel" like it's doing anything doesn't mean it's not. :)

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    100% agree, especially because you said you were concerned about your form before you even started. You really have nothing to lose by not pushing too hard at the start.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Form > weight in my opinion. I'm suuuuuuper new but my plan is to always stay at a weight until I feel my form is clean.
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks guys! I did feel a teeny bit sore the day after workout 1, so clearly some muscles are being worked in new or better ways. I stuck with the program for workout 2 and will continue to do so. I love how totally simple it is -- I just go in with my smartphone, do the moves at the weight it says, with the best form I can, and that's it.