Preggo w Baby # 2 six months after baby #1

xatannerx Posts: 36 Member
We had our first baby in Feb. 14 and I just found out I am 6 weeks along w baby # 2! We are very excited as we wanted to have another one shortly after the first, but this is a bit earlier than we planned :) I have a few concerns about how this pregnancy will go as I had some complications with the first. I had placenta previa that resolved to allow vaginal birth. I also developed severe pelvic dysfunction where the joints in the pelvis "loosen" too much from the relaxin hormone and cause the pelvic bones to grind against each other (painful)! Some days were so bad that I was bedridden and my husband had to turn me in bed. Then I developed pre-eclampsia at 39 weeks (thankfully) and was induced the following day. After delivery the placenta did not deliver properly and came out in pieces causing post-partum hemorrhage which was the scariest experience of my life. I did not hold our daughter for almost an hour because they could not control the bleeding (I narrowly escaped having a hysterectomy). Thankfully we ended up with a beautiful healthy little girl :). Although she was a lower birth weight at 5lbs 12oz. After that experience I do have to admit that I have my anxieties about handling this pregnancy. In addition, From what I have read about baby spacing having another pregnancy within a year of delivering the last can increase the risk of some of these complications. So, my question can anyone share if they had any of these complications with one pregnancy and did they experience them in subsequent pregnancies. Also, I feel way out of shape/unhealthy from my first pregnancy. I would like to lose fat/tone to help strengthen me to carry this baby and to take care of the LO at home. Is it safe, or even possible, to try to lose fat by exercising and eating healthy while pregnant. Oh course I would not cut calories :). TIA


  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Congrats. We wanted our kids close together. Our first two are 18.5 months apart and our second and third are 16.5 months apart. Yours will obviously be closer. I had gestational diabetes with my first, which led me to have a huge increased risk of it happening again. I didn't have it with the second or third, so just because you have a complication with the first doesn't mean you will again. Which I know you know, but I didn't have your other complications, but that's the one I did have. My third I did hemorrhage, I don't have a fourth, so don't know if it would happen again. While my placenta came out she said I had clots that was keeping my uterus from clamping down, so she stuck her hand up there and pulled them on out. Horrible with no pain meds (first two were epidurals, last was drug free). I held my daughter for probably less than 5 minutes and then not again for about an hour since they were working on me and I was in too much pain to deal with a new baby! I posted a success story about how I'vehad3 kidsin 3 years and am below my prepregnancy weight and someone had the nerve to post articles about having them close together can create more complications. First of all, I didn't ask for opinions, second they are already here! Someone commented to put them back since it was too soon. ;) Yes, there are increased risks. I was told the hemorrhaging was probably because I had so many so soon. I was told that if we wanted another that I should wait 12-18 months before getting pregnant again to decrease these risks. Was she telling me not to go out and get pregnant again, no, just informing me. Either way you're pregnant again, so I would just be aware of the increased risks, have your doctor informed, but no point in googling since it's already done. I'm5'2"/5'3" I didn't cut calories, but I ate 1700-1900 my pregnancy (short) after getting over morning sickness. I gained 22 lbs (I was told 20-35 would be fine and after gaining 23 and 46 the last two times I didn't wantto gain 46 again). Perfectly healthy 7lb2oz girl. They also say you can have an early abby too close together, but mine were 41+6, 40+6 and 39+5. So while they came earlier none were early. I found walking to be great for the kids and good exercise for me during pregnancy. That could help make you feel in shape. Sorry I'm scattered. I hope someone else can help more.
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    No experience, but I wanted to wish you congratulations! Our first is 4 months and we were thinking about ttc again at 6 months bc it took us 6 yrs for this one. I'm not sure about the complications, but I think that being aware and making the dr aware is a great start.
    I had just lost weight when I got pregnant and my dr told me it was ok to continue jogging/walking, that it was safe but may get uncomfortable. I think focusing on being helathy, but not doing anything strenuous would be a good idea. I gained 53lbs, and definitely want to make sure that doesn't happen again.
  • Im currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second. My daughter is 2, so i dont have experience with having kids close together, but i had a hard pregnancy with my 1st (high blood pressure, horrible hip pain, bed rest), and now this one has been perfect up until the last prenantal when i was told i have pre eclampsia at 27 weeks. It was a total shock because i dont have any of the symptoms and i feel fine. im just making healthy choices, listening to my body, and doing my best to take it easy.
  • Oh, and i havent gained any weight at all, Ive actually lost weight. but i was 271lbs when i conceived, so the dr isnt worried about it and baby is just fine.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Congrats! I am 24 weeks prego with my 3rd and my second is 15 months- not as close as you but I get it. I actually didn't gain a single pound until I was 20 weeks because I went into the pregnancy about 20-25 lbs above my ideal BMI. Just be healthy with eating and exercise and I am sure that you will be fine. I also had a lot of complications with my first and then my second was a breeze so don't stress about the pregnancy/delivery because it could be totally fine.