Warriors - Chat (10/16-10/22)



  • chuckles71
    chuckles71 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi team,

    Can I take a moment to rant a little? I've been very disappointed in myself since joining our challenge. First I became sick, and then I sprained my neck, and then I became sick for a second time! What horrible luck. I've been away from the gym this whole time and it is really starting to get me down.

    However I did hear one phrase that really struck a cord and I wanted to share it with everyone: Strive for progress, not perfection. I have a history of making unattainable goals and then giving up when I failed to meet them, regardless of any progress I had made. I don't want to be that person anymore. I am going to strive to to live by this motto. Once I finally shake off this illness *fingers crossed*, I plan to come back stronger than ever!

    /end rant

    I must say I really enjoyed this week's episode. I don't think the contestants who participated in the temptation challenge put themselves at a disadvantage. They knew exactly how many extra calories they consumed, so it would have been easy to deduct that figure from their daily calories and even the scale. (At least that is what I would have done)

    I was sad to see Mike leave Comeback Canyon. He always put up big numbers so I thought he had it in the bag. My prediction is that Gina won't be able to dethrone Matt from Comeback Canyon.

    I have been sick too. My weight loss has been slow .5 increments but they add up over time. What I learned from Michael Mosley is one minute burst of exercise as intense and fast as your able will help you get to your goal. That is why I love Melanie commercial challenge for us. 1 minute is better than none.

  • chuckles71
    chuckles71 Posts: 15 Member
    I just notice the tickers are gone!!!
  • Hi Team

    Perfect challenge for me this week! I have been out today from 7am-10pm! Huge day at work, after school meetings then dinner out. No one thought to wash the school uniforms for tomorrow so here I am at 11:45pm having just watched the show while zipping in and out of the laundry (which is outside the main house) the wash, dry and iron the uniforms! Topped it off with unloading and reloading the dishwasher. I'll sleep well now! :)

    JJ really stood out for me this week. I had never really noticed him before. I loved his attitude when faced with all that food - also the Blue Team.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Ok guys/gals there are 4 of you that need to weigh in!!
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I was sad to see Mike go! I really liked him. The temptation was brutal. I would have wanted everything! Glad to see so many of them not eat (and one even did burpees!) Next week's challenge looks really good. They won't want to lose that!

    I got some dishes and laundry done!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    For 10/16- 10/22 There aren't Extra Challenges. Only the Show Chat/Speedy Challenge and Weigh-In. Since many have asked, thought I would post it here too. :)
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