Western Allstars - Challenge (10/23/-10/29)

In honor of the name of this week's show "The Drop", find something you are going to drop for the week. Are you going to drop soda for the week? Are you going to drop your late night tv for some sleep, so you have energy & eat better during the day. Are you going to drop your afternoon chocolate? Are you going to drop hitting snooze when you are supposed to get up & work out & put your alarm in the bathroom, so you have to walk all the way in there to turn it off, forcing you to get out of bed? (I did that one time when I was younger to get out of the habit of hitting snooze :)

Name what you are going to drop for the week and then come back & let us know how it went...and how it affected the pounds you dropped :) Did you drop more than usual?


  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 181 Member
    i'm going to drop my late afternoon lazy time which usually lasts for more than a few hours (starting just after 3 pm usually)... think of all i could be getting done in that time :#

    i may drop one more thing yet i'm not ready to commit to that quite yet so i'll let you know later! have a great week!
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    I like the drop the late night tv..I will try that this week
  • lexiss91
    lexiss91 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm going to drop the late night ice cream/ frozen yogurt indulgences. Every week (on payday) I treat myself to an ice cream treat or frozen yogurt. Now the frozen yogurt isnt too bad but I tend to add chocolate chips, Oreos, Cheesecake bites (Thats my favorite), Brownie pieces all covered with as much hot fudge as the cup can hold. I need to drop that for the week and instead treat myself with a manicure or maybe a new book :)
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    I am going to be dropping sneaking chocolate out of the candy drawer at work. I am one of those people that I can't just have it once. That one time just starts the bad habit again & then I am doing it everyday again. And I was just told my bloodwork showed signs of heading the direction of pre-diabetes.
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    lexiss91 wrote: »
    I'm going to drop the late night ice cream/ frozen yogurt indulgences. Every week (on payday) I treat myself to an ice cream treat or frozen yogurt. Now the frozen yogurt isnt too bad but I tend to add chocolate chips, Oreos, Cheesecake bites (Thats my favorite), Brownie pieces all covered with as much hot fudge as the cup can hold. I need to drop that for the week and instead treat myself with a manicure or maybe a new book :)

    That will be a good change and still a nice treat

  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    lexiss91 wrote: »
    and instead treat myself with a manicure or maybe a new book :)
    Awesome treats, Alexis! :)

  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going to drop granola bars...including the fantastic Pumpkin flavored granola bars from Trader Joes :)
  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 181 Member
    katonaroof wrote: »
    i'm going to drop my late afternoon lazy time which usually lasts for more than a few hours (starting just after 3 pm usually)... think of all i could be getting done in that time :#

    i may drop one more thing yet i'm not ready to commit to that quite yet so i'll let you know later! have a great week!

    i did great with not napping in the afternoons - got more done around the house which is great!
    - glad i didn't commit to the other thing as i was not able to pull it off even once this week, yet figure i did make a major change by not giving into my late afternoon lazy time so that's enough for one week?!!!!!
  • lexiss91
    lexiss91 Posts: 185 Member
    lexiss91 wrote: »
    I'm going to drop the late night ice cream/ frozen yogurt indulgences. Every week (on payday) I treat myself to an ice cream treat or frozen yogurt. Now the frozen yogurt isnt too bad but I tend to add chocolate chips, Oreos, Cheesecake bites (Thats my favorite), Brownie pieces all covered with as much hot fudge as the cup can hold. I need to drop that for the week and instead treat myself with a manicure or maybe a new book :)

    I'm glad to say the week went great :) I didnt have time to get a manicure or a new book so I went to the library (Something I havent done in months) and read Walter Mosley's "Debbie Doesnt Do It Anymore" It was a great treat and I'm glad I didnt indulge in my ice cream cravings :)
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