Any moms out there?

jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
Hey, I would love to meet some moms like my partner and I. You know, like minded folks. We have a two year old and it would be cool to know more people like us. As far as the workout thing goes, I have been very bad this year and totally fell off the wagon, I could blame my son but that won't work cause my partner works out everyday. Haha. Anyway, just looking to make some new friends in life.


  • Bubba_Furley
    Bubba_Furley Posts: 31 Member
    My partner and I have an 8 month old. Its our first child and we are still getting into the swing of health and daily living lol. I sent you a friend request...
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey there! Cool. Congrats to you both. You are definitely still in that not so fun stage. Nobody will admit it but it is true. It is WAY more fun at the age I am at with him being 2. I'll message you!
  • mindybachitt
    hi, mindy here. my wife and i have 3 kids, 23, 20 and 6! julianna had the first two during a previous marriage, and we are in the process of adopting our son. we've had him as a foster child since he was 18 months old. as for the weight thing, i've lost almost 110 pounds (108.6 i think). due to injuries and age i am limited in my ability to exercise. i want to lose 21 more pounds i think, but i know it will be tough. we shall see! and if you think you're in the fun stage when he's 2, just you wait! 4-6 has been so much fun! it's awesome when you can have conversations and sing, etc. i sent you a friend request too.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey there! Thanks for the friend request. Nice to meet you too. Congrats on the weight loss and wow, one kid is hard but 3, whew, nearly 4! Good for you two. Super nice to meet you though, it is really nice meeting folks like us. I'll chat more with you "offline" so to speak. Oh and yes, I can't wait until he can speak better and carry on conversations, right now he is very cute though. :smile:
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    Yes! 2 adult boys, and 1 13yr old daughter and a granddaughter.
  • erin6989
    erin6989 Posts: 29 Member
    my wife and I have a 4 month old girl :)
  • dquickly
    dquickly Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there. I have 3: 9, 5, and 1. Quite a challenge to find to take care of me while also taking care of them.
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    My partner and I are raising my 15 year old daughter. It's trying sometimes because we want her to be healthier with us, but she is very stubborn.