Welcome & Introduce Yourself!

kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
After being in the fantastic group called Fit, Fabulous & Pregnant I decided I wanted another group of similar women to just chat and keep accountable with! Pregnancies are over for me, so here's to focusing on motherhood and getting myself back into shape while balancing life and family!

Sound off here and tell us about you and your family!

I'm 28 and just gave birth to my second (and final) child, a little girl. I have a 21 month old son and a fantastic husband. :smile: I'm a SAHM, although I do play piano full time for a church (voluntary).

My goal is to get back down to my wedding weight of 180 lbs (I'm 5'10") but my short term goal is to reach 195.


  • Good afternoon, My name is Mica and i'm 28 with a 10 year old.
  • z_misetich
    z_misetich Posts: 40 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am 25, I work full-time, I go to school 3 nights a week and I have a 1 year old, a 3 year old, a 5 year old, a 6 year old, and a 7 year old. And, last, but certainly not least, I have my wonderful fiance who is a SAHD for our youngest two. Needless to say, my life is pretty busy...

    I find it easier sometimes to succumb to my cravings even when I know they are bad, usually out of convenience and/or an attempt at stress relief. I was on a good track for a while losing about 20 pounds, then I gained probably 5-7 back and that's where I am at now. So I was about 250, down to about 230, now back up to about 237.... I ultimately want to get down to about 180, but to see that 'under 200' mark is my "short-term" goal...

    Glad to find a group of women who can relate in some way shape or form...
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi, I am Beth 46, and a mom of 3 teenagers. I own my own business and I have alot of stress! For years i ate...the stress away. I dont want to do that anymore! A variety of different things made me fact facts... and I had to change my ways or end up in a bad way. I am doing it...slowly but surely :)
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Welcome ladies! :smiley: Feel free to start your own threads/conversations/topics, etc...
  • Hello my name is Michele my youngest is 8 years old.
  • White_Pumpkin
    White_Pumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    Do you mind if I join you? I have a 9 year old and 13 year old. Just starting here, and I heard it is much easier if you have a group of people to check in with.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Welcome! Yes, feel free to join! Although it seems not many have been checking in. lol I usually do though. :smile: