
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease 3 months ago. I always knew I had hypothyroidism but was incorrectly diagnosed with PCOS. This all started when I hit puberty around 14 years old, and I had irregular periods (Sometimes I would go as long as 6 months without one.) When they checked my T4 the levels were normal, my previous doctor never thought to check my antibody count.

I started going through crazy mood swings. I have always been a happy girl and I can only recall one time I actually lost my temper at someone my whole life. But then around December I would go through bouts of extreme anxiety and depression. I would be completely fine one moment and then would go into a screaming fit. My mother was terrified and instead of just thrusting me into the arms of a therapist; she sent me to my doctor right away.

This doctor very easily changed my life. Doctor (I will call her) was new and it was the first time I actually met her. I told her my symptoms and she looked at my health history. Doctor wasn't going to just diagnose me because I showed symptoms of P.C.O.S After running a few blood tests, here is what my results were.

Component: TPO Ab (ANTI-TPO) Standard Value: 00.0-60.0 U/mL Your Value: 965.0 << It was this value that led her to diagnose me with Hashimoto's disease.

Component: TSH Standard Value: 0.27-4.20 uIU/mL Your Value: 4.56

Component: Free T4 Standard Value:0.85-1.71 ng/dL Your Value: 1.17

Component: Vit D, 25-Hydroxy Standard Value: 30.0-100.0 ng/mL Your Value: 20.3

There I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease and Vit D deficiency. Doctor told me it was very likely I've had this disease since I was 14 years old when all my hormone levels began to change and was the catalyst for the disease to act up. Its also worrisome because I'm so young, doing some research online I find that the majority of people who have the disease are older than 30. I guess I'm a little scared and have been told that this disease is a gateway disease to other more severe autoimmune diseases.

Right now I'm on a synthetic hormone replacement and am curious to know how you guys diet and exercise around this disease. Has it gotten easier since you've been on a hormone replacement to lose weight?


  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited October 2014
    I know my Hashi's started at around 16 myself, but wasn't Dx'd hypo until I was 21 or 22. Got my Hashi Dx a little over 3 years later than that. There are more than just old ladies with thyroid trouble :). Don't fret too much about the age someone is when they get diagnosed. Most of the time it's simply due to poor medical attention, not that someone doesn't have it.