Day 39: Friday, 10-31-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Hello Hello - Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day yesterday. Day 39 is a two-fer - it's Friday, and many of us are celebrating Halloween. What are you planning to do today, and are you saving room for any treats? How will you reach your goals?


  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I'm spending my the gym! I'm not a regular member of the gym currently (due to not wishing to sell a kidney to pay for it) but I'm hoping a day pass and a good 2 hour session this evening will get me kick started properly for doing more exercise at home.

    Really hoping to have a good weight loss this week so will keep on trying to drink plenty, sleep plenty and stick to the right food!!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Going out to Hallowweny things in the day then trick or treating with the toddler in the evening :-) Hopefully get to do some crossfit too though Im aching from wednesday still!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I plan to keep my calories under limit and do at least 30 minutes of walk.
  • Emiliebeauchamp
    Emiliebeauchamp Posts: 228 Member
    Today's goals:
    1-Walk for 30 minutes.
    2-Log all my calories and stay within my allotment.
    3-Stay away from the candy. I want a good weigh in tomorrow morning.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Had a terrible day yesterday. I went over my calories and didn't exercise. But wallowing in it won't help me, so I'm just going to put that behind me.

    As for today, my goal is to relax & enjoy myself. Yep, Halloween is one of my "no tracking & eat what I want" days. I only do that for my birthday and major holidays (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve & Christmas). So I'm going to eat all the candy (you can send it my way if you're trying to stay away from it).

    I know that it means that I'll probably have a not so great weigh in tomorrow, but what really matters is sticking to this lifestyle for the long run. And that means enjoying holidays.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Had a good day yesterday, today is my day off so plan to do all three levels of jillians beginner shred for 60 mins of working out and then a slow 3k jog this afternoon. Going out for dinner and then for the first time hand out candy. I will buy candy I don't like so if there is any leftovers I won't be tempted. :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    My goal for October was to hit the 50 pound mark, So happy that i make it and then some. New goal to be at 60 pounds down by the end of November. Goals for today is not to give into candy. I will reach for that protein bar instead. All my kids are grown and out of the house so any left over candy from the Trick or Treaters will go to work with my husband. Have a great day everyone.
  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm going to drink lots of water and watch my calories today. This evening I'm going to the gym and I'm going to try an hit 20 minutes of running. And later tonight when I go out I will just have club soda with no vodka. Well maybe one vodka :smile:
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Since the weigh in is the day after Halloween, it's a little easier to steer clear of all the treats since I really want to stay on track and hit 40% of my target! :smiley: Everyone stay safe and have a great Halloween.

    1. Lots of water
    2. Hit my protein goal
    3. Get a workout in

  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    Oh my gosh, is it already weigh in tomorrow? Yikes. I am trick or treating with my toddler tonight. Hoping not to blow it.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    In my house we have been in Halloween land since last Sunday. Yes, I had candy everyday since! I didn't over do it! The small sizes really get cravings out of the way and don't break the calorie bank. It's a holiday, and just like SingRunTing said, we celebrate. I am shocked that despite my sweet tooth this week and my little gym vacation, I still managed to still loose.
    Have a great day everyone!
    Happy Halloween!!!!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    I will be at work tonight. Meet all my goals for yesterday, feel very good about the weigh in tomorrow.
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    I was able to meet all of my goals yesterday and was happy to jog the entire 2.5 miles without stopping (wasn't sure given the chest I've been battling).

    Goals for Day 39

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Strength training and light cardio (walking)

    Even though I'll be walking while out trick or treating tonight, I want to get a more focused walk later (one where I'm not starting and stopping). Might end up doing that tomorrow, but that's okay.

    Starting tomorrow, I'm going to add more core work to my strength training and actually do the core work everyday instead of 3x week as with normal strength training.

    Looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow.

  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    In my house we have been in Halloween land since last Sunday. Yes, I had candy everyday since! I didn't over do it! The small sizes really get cravings out of the way and don't break the calorie bank. It's a holiday, and just like SingRunTing said, we celebrate. I am shocked that despite my sweet tooth this week and my little gym vacation, I still managed to still loose.
    Have a great day everyone!
    Happy Halloween!!!!

    Definitely agree the small sizes help satisfy the cravings without breaking the calorie bank!

  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    hey! I haven't been around much, I'm sick again! Hopefully I'm getting it all out of the way now. I haven't really been tracking my food this week, so I'm not sure what the scale is going to say tomorrow...

    Happy Halloween everyone!
  • Pandathon
    Pandathon Posts: 41 Member
    So happy the week is over and just finished a 1000+ calorie run, feels great! :)
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    So I'm going to eat all the candy (you can send it my way if you're trying to stay away from it).

    Candy Crush requests coming your way :smile:
  • kcmoooo
    smashed it!! So proud of myself that I didn't eat any treats today despite my crazy cravings
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    NO TREATS, but slow going for me...I have been tracking diligently...speed walking 30 min./day...fitbit etc. and my weight loss is minimal. Feeling a bit frustrated, but still keeping end goal in mind. I am recovering from arm/hand surgeries-upper bod very weak. Will try to up the ante on elliptical to melt some additional cals off. Way behind in my spreadsheet % goal :-( Will also try to drink more water. Seems like everyone is hangin' in...keep up the good work at halftime mark!