Weird dreams



  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Had the most bizarre dream ever last night. I woke up at 1 AM thinking "WHAT THE CRAP?!" but after a few more hours of sleep I don't remember any of the details. Just that it was a scary theme, but I wasn't scared.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Had a dream where my friends & their kids came to visit us....but instead of hanging out and catching up with them my husband and I blew them off to go to the pool. When we got to the pool we were swimming around and realized that there were whales and sharks swimming there too, but none of the wildlife trainers seemed concerned, so everyone kept swimming with them. We were told it was the only swim park in the USA that allowed humans to swim freely with whales & sharks. Then, we called our friends and told them we were coming back to our apartment to cook them dinner. When I got there my friend had already cooked dinner and was complaining about how un-organic my food was and was complaining about how she had to go to Trader Joe's to get proper food for her two young sons. I remember feeling so bad when I woke up that I didn't have proper food for her kids---then I realized it was just a dream.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I had another dream earlier this week where my sister was being held in the detention center at the hospital because she was forcefully trying to get into my birthing room against my will. My midwife and her got into a fist fight and I was screaming at my sister to go away and let me labor on my own. She said "this is my baby too"...and then she was threatening to steal my baby from the hospital---so freaking weird. Hahahaha...seriously so weird. But, it's a weird combo of real life events. 1) my sister really wants to be there at my delivery, I'd prefer she isn't there. and 2) the nurse during my hospital tour told us a story about how a guy tried to snatch a newborn from the hospital, but since the hospital had a certain type of security, the guards caught him. (why she told us that in the first place was beyond me....what a stupid thing to talk frightened me more than reassured me of their security procedures!!!). So weird. I've been sleeping better the last few weeks so my dreams are very vivid.