
Well this is a new group, and I think it'd be cool if we introduced ourselves and stated our goals. For instance, I'm Madison, I'm 5'1", and I'd like to loose 16 pounds and go to the gym 3 times per week. What's your goal? :)


  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Hey, this sounds like my kinda group.

    I'm 34 years old, live in Montreal, and 5'1" also. My goal is to lose 40 pounds, and so far I'm 6 pounds down.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I am 5'2,136 pounds. I would love to lose about 10 pounds. I run 5-6 days a week around 4-5 miles. I lift 3x a week and do 30 mins of yoga a day.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm Kasey, 4'9" and I could actually stand to gain a couple pounds of muscle. I don't eat healthy and I couldn't run a mile to save my life. My goal is to eat healthier and start exercising for at least 10 minutes 5 times a day. I'm going to be trying out the Couch to 5k program.
  • tunderthunder
    tunderthunder Posts: 22 Member
    These are all great goals guys! It's nice to meet you all. I weigh about 136 right now, and I'm trying to lose about 16 pounds. It's different when you're short. 136 pounds would be a better weight if I were a bit taller, haha. I'm glad you're all a part of this group! :)
  • cortneycaulley
    cortneycaulley Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I am Cortney and I'm 4"11. I was almost at goal weight and then my weight started creeping back up, now it bounces up and down 5-6 lbs and I want to maintain at a healthy weight for my height so I need lose about 6-8 lbs and then maintain. It's so hard trying to not gain anymore weight. I have a sweet tooth lately and I need to kick them bad habits! I need to eat healthier and work out more. Glad to be apart of a group who knows the struggles of being short. :)
  • LoveToDance9
    LoveToDance9 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Naghme and I'm 4'10". I currently weight 174 (my highest was 226 about 3 years ago). I was down to 160/163 and stayed there for quite a while, but have gained back some. I'm currently doing the "State of Slim" plan to battle some of my thyroid related issues and have come down from 180 to 174. My goal is to get to 135. I'm very muscular and exercise between 3-6 days a week. My exercise consists of Zumba, Crossfit, and jogging. Glad to be a part of this group as well. Weight loss is definitely different for us shorties!
  • 24Gordonfan
    24Gordonfan Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I am Sally, I'm 5' 0", and am wanting to lose sixty pounds or so...
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I'm Amanda.
    23 y/o.
    5'3. (Well 5'2.75" but give me that little bit)
    SW: 193lbs
    CW: 166.7lbs
    GW: 136lbs (could bump it more, but for now that's good)
  • Riverdancingcas
    Hi all, I'm Jessica and I'm 5'2. My current weight is 137 and I'd like to get that down about 15 pounds. I'm mostly interested in replacing the squish with some muscle. I'd love to eventually be able to draw back and shoot my 35 pound longbow without it being a struggle. My current exercise regime is pretty sedentary so I'd like to take those baby steps and improve it to having a solid workout routine 2-3 times a week
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Oh, for posterity's sake:
    SW: 155
    CW: 148
    GW: 115