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Getting ready for tomorrow.

Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
Good morning! Today is all about getting ready for tomorrow's challenge start. I am planning my menu, doing groceries and preparing my six small meals for tomorrow. I am looking forward in feeling great again by eating clean!


  • Peta314
    Peta314 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Josie! I'm in! I come from a week with birthdays and halloween party so this challenge is exactly what I need! Let's get back into eating clean!
  • Josieqc
    Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
    Great! Let's do it!
  • naela1111
    Hi everyone. Is it okay if I join your group too? Perfect start date and 7 weeks until a trip for our family.
  • Chewie324
    I am so excited to get started. I am trying to eat clean and stay away from foods that I have sensitivities to. I have loaded my allowed foods and am ready to go...
  • laurie2829
    laurie2829 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm super excited! I need accountability and want to be in shape by the time we hit the slopes! Having others to do this with is going to be a HUGE help!
  • Josieqc
    Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
    I am soooo excited to have all of you aboard! Its going to be great. I guess we should all weigh in tomorrow for day 1 then every week? Let me know what you think or if you have suggestions.
  • naela1111
    Sounds good to me.
  • Chewie324
    Weigh in sounds good to me !
  • Josieqc
    Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
    So we are 5 right? Josie, Chewie, Naela, Laurie and Peta. Have a great Week #1 girls!
  • jadeous
    jadeous Posts: 133 Member
    Is it too late to join in?
  • Josieqc
    Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
    Not at all Jade!
  • jmgvili
    Please count me in as well!
    Judy near Boston
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I'd like to join as well. I need to work on my eating, the quality of food I eat is not great.
  • Josieqc
    Josieqc Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Judy and Lumberjacck