Tell us your goals here!

What's your goal? :)


  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Let's see my goals

    1- lose 10 pounds by my birthday New Years Day

    2- run 5 days a week

    3- lift 3x a week

    4- do yoga everyday for a year..i am on day 306

    5- to eat healthy and not freak out if i have a bad day.

    6- most important at this time of's called Holi-DAY..not Holi-MONTH. It's fine to have a nice dinner with friends and family on the holiday but it's not a pass to pig out from Nov.1-Dec.31
  • tunderthunder
    tunderthunder Posts: 22 Member
    Here are some of my goals:

    1- lose 16 pounds
    2- eat more vegetables
    3- incorporate more running into my life
    4- possibly get my own treadmill
    5- make more meals at home (vegan chili is the best, and super easy!)
    6- I hope to overall be happier with myself and my positive life changes :)
  • valerielite
    valerielite Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been with MFP for a few years now, I seem to lose the weight and stop tracking and exercising once I have reached my goal!
    This time, I hope my last time, I want to achieve the following goals
    1. Lose the 15 pounds that I have gained back! 5 gone this week 1
    2. Excercise by walking for at least 3-5 times a week
    3. Track all my food!
    good luck on your goals and may we motivate each other on our journey!
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I joined MFP in March and I've lost 26 lbs since then. Now I'm looking to "go big or go home" and move beyond the slow-and-steady losses. I'm just under 40 lbs from my goal.
    I really want to cut down the body fat percentage (probably in the 20-23% range, I have no clue what I am now but I know it's not in-shape). And I'd like to start a strength-training program.
    I'd like to be functionally fit. Be able to lift heavy things. Be able to run and jump and go wild without being out of breath. And to look great doing it all.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    My main goal here is to form new healthy eating habits. I'm not overweight but I make poor food choices and am out of shape. I want to gain muscle mass and build up my stamina to be able to run a whole mile. I currently can only breathe for about two minutes into running.
  • valsols
    valsols Posts: 8 Member
    Hello girls!
    I am 5' and my name is Alba, this seems like a really nice group so ill come here as often i can :3
    I am currently 132lbs and my goal is to go down to 110 (Ive already lost 17lbs by the way)
    But even more than that number I want to lose fat and gain muscle, be able to run for longer and get fit in general basically.
    I am not satisfied with my body, I dont want it to be flabby but firm to say it somehow heheh, I also want to get rid of cellulite and get a firmer/nicer *kitten* :blush:
    Remember girls, summer bodies are created in winter so don't give up! :D