...Is It Just Me or Do You Get COLD All The Time?

dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
The OTHER thing I am not used to is being COLD a lot of the time...and winter is just
approaching here in Minnesota! I used to always be so HOT, keeping the fan going by my desk at work constantly...always turning up the air conditioning in the summer...wearing short sleeved shirts and light weight clothes all the time...now, I am just freezing. Looks like I lost my "insulation" layer and it is amazing how cold I am. My hands just get so cold I am sometimes sitting on my hands to warm them up! I don't dare say I am cold in my office, the women I work with are not used to the new me either...they have already told me that I should not dare to tell them I am cold after many years of complaining all the time that I was hot and going over to turn down the thermostat in the winter. Paybacks, well, you know what they say.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Unless it's really warm, I am always cold. I can handle the heat much better than when I was at my highest weight, but my tolerance for cold is pretty much non existent. Thank goodness I live in CA, but I still get cold here. I always tell people it's because I am not insulated like I used to be!
  • joyhibbz
    joyhibbz Posts: 38 Member
    I use to be hot always. I moved from South Carolina to Newfoundland Canada a little over 10 years ago. I thought I found heaven as the heat in SC was terrible but I found it nice here in Newfoundland and it gets cold. Since having surgery back in February I have been like an icicle, I am not sure what I will do when it gets really cold here. I know someone that sleeps in winter gloves, wool hat, scarf and wool socks. Plus an electric blanket. My husband won't hear of me buying an electric blanket so I guess I will freeze when it gets really cold.
  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    Yes! I used to go pretty much all winter without a coat and now I'm soo cold that I had to go buy one!
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    My hands and feet get cold since the sleeve--I was always warm before--never wore a winter coat!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Nope. Not cold all of the time. Sorry you are. You may have to learn to dress in layers. :)
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Preach! I have lost 50 lbs this year, and I am always cold. What a seachange! It makes sense - you have lost "insulation" and have to make up for that with layers of clothing. I am happy about it though, even as winter approaches, because I used to be miserable in the summer and I anticipate that I will be more comfortable when we start getting back to 90+ degree days!
  • bethkallastrask
    bethkallastrask Posts: 39 Member
    Yup, same here. Cold all of the time. 88 pounds gone and freezing my butt off.
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    When I first got home after surgery --- I was miserably cold. Strange for me because I am usually a very "hot" person (I never wore a jacket before it went into the teens). They say that your hormones fluctuate with weight loss and that causes some of the cold issues. It has gotten better for me...but I still find that I get chilled easily.
  • KyaNyght
    KyaNyght Posts: 2 Member
    I am 2 weeks out from surgery and am freezing.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I was told (I was freezing after surgery while still in the hospital and I still get cold when everyone around me is not) that some of that is because your body is working to heal your insides--
  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    Always cold now, even when it's not too bad out I'm chilled to the bone
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Yup - feel the cold much more now.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh yeah! I am freezing, but as my doctor said, I've lost a 164 pound blanket so it makes sense that I'm cold. He also said that for most of us, our internal thermostate resets after awhile and that while I probably won't ever feel overheated like I did at my biggest, I might eventually get to feeling "normal" tempertaure wise. 3 years out now and still cold, but then I'm not to goal yet and wondering if my thermostat will rest itself once I'm done losing and in maintainence.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I now own an extensive array of coats, jackets and horror of horrors- sweaters!!! I have never owned more Than 2 items in this genre- light jacket and heavy coat. Now, I even keep spares in cars. I have become my mother, my last thought before going anywhere is where is my coat?! Going to a restaurant or movie without a jacket is just insane now!
  • jrnguyen
    jrnguyen Posts: 92 Member
    ALL. THE. TIME. I usually freeze my husband out at night with cranked A/C and fans. Last night, while he was sleeping without the blanket, I had to get up and get a second one because I thought I was getting frost bite!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    II have become my mother, my last thought before going anywhere is where is my coat?!

    LOL :)
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Thaeda wrote: »
    II have become my mother, my last thought before going anywhere is where is my coat?!

    LOL :)

    HA! Ditto!!!
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    This makes me laugh reading this post. I was always a "hot blooded," person. I was always hot all of the time! I kid you not ever since surgery I'm always cold. I always have goose bumps and have to have multiple layers on.
  • commissionette
    commissionette Posts: 25 Member
    Even at my heaviest I was always cold, so no change here for me...cold then, cold now..lol
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    Waaaaay colder than I used to be, and to make it even worse when I'm around my mom who used to always be the cold one now she's going through menopause and is constantly making me freeze.