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Hows everyone doing?

dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
How's everyone doing? Are there any lurkers that are still in the early stages of New Direction?

I'm on week 3. I've been doing pretty good so far. I'm down 15.2 lbs so far. Physical hunger has not been an issue. I've been satisfied physically the whole time. It's the cravings for certain things that have been tough. I've been able to combat them thus far. (Minus a few pieces of halloween candy that is.)

I would love to hear from some others that are in my same early stages.


  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    I'm not new but wanted to say hi. I hope you're doing well!!! :smiley:
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    I'm doing pretty good. Still playing around with the flavors trying to find my favorites. I wish they had an option or two that were very minimally flavored. Everything I have tried is very intensely flavored. Doesn't leave a ton of options for adding my own spices and flavors.
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not new and am in maintenance now, but I thought I'd check in. I've finally figured out what it takes to maintain weight and still enjoy life and food. I've been able to stay in a 5lb range for the last 2 mos now even with a knee injury that has sidelined some of my workouts.

    Something interesting that we discussed last night in my maintenance class was when to leave the weight loss program. I wish this had been discussed in weight loss, but I wanted to pass it along for those still in the program. Typically, in my program, people lose an additional 5lbs after leaving weight loss and going through our 6 week realimentation program of adding back food and increasing our calories. After that most people gain 5-10lbs in maintenance before leveling off. Our entire class of 20 people said that had been their experience. Most of us agreed that it coincided with adding complex carbs (beans, whole grains, etc) back into our diets. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing because as you add back in carbs after being in ketosis for so long your body is going to retain water for those carbs, that's just how it is. But mentally it's difficult for many of us to see that 5-10lb gain. Our behaviorist said she is now recommending that her patients lose 5lbs more than their goal weight with the expectation that they will gain those 5lbs back and possibly an additional 5lbs. Just something to think about and maybe not be surprised about when you all do get to maintenance.
  • sebrinac
    sebrinac Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone! I am new to this group and new to the plan. I plan on starting tomorrow! I am very anxious and nervous for this change but looking forward to continuing my weight loss journey. Any words of wisdom or advise would be greatly appreciated! Also, if anyone has any favorite flavors I would love to have recommendations. I was so indecisive when it came to choosing my meals for the week. I settled with chocolate shakes, broccoli cheddar soup, chocolate pudding, and the variety pack of the bars. Feel free to add me and please accept my requests! Looking forward to making this journey with all of you :)
  • amyc2912
    amyc2912 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum and new to New Direction. I had my one week weigh in on Thursday. I lost 12.8 the first week. I agree with what a lot of people on here have said. The first week is hard. There were a couple of days that I didn't want to get out of bed. I made it through without cheating and it has gotten so much easier. I'm not going to say it is a breeze but I feel like I'm back to my old self for the most part. My brain is working again (I honestly felt brain dead the first couple of weeks) and I finally stopped acting as if I lost my best friend. I feel pretty confident that it will continue to get easier.
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    Something interesting that we discussed last night in my maintenance class was when to leave the weight loss program. I wish this had been discussed in weight loss, but I wanted to pass it along for those still in the program. Typically, in my program, people lose an additional 5lbs after leaving weight loss and going through our 6 week realimentation program of adding back food and increasing our calories. After that most people gain 5-10lbs in maintenance before leveling off. Our entire class of 20 people said that had been their experience. Most of us agreed that it coincided with adding complex carbs (beans, whole grains, etc) back into our diets. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing because as you add back in carbs after being in ketosis for so long your body is going to retain water for those carbs, that's just how it is. But mentally it's difficult for many of us to see that 5-10lb gain. Our behaviorist said she is now recommending that her patients lose 5lbs more than their goal weight with the expectation that they will gain those 5lbs back and possibly an additional 5lbs. Just something to think about and maybe not be surprised about when you all do get to maintenance.

    This is good to know! Thanks

  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    How's everyone doing since this thread is over 6 months old now?
  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Julie,
    I'm nearing my anniversary in a formal weight loss program. I started the New Direction program in July and was very successful losing nearly 75 pounds. In January, I switched to Outlook (2 New Directions shakes and 1 meal per day) and have lost another 15 pounds since then. The weight loss on the Outlook program is much slower, but it is forcing me to make sensible dietary choices. In total, I have lost 91 pounds, and I would like to lose about 29 more. It has been a long time since I have been as "skinny" as I am now, and I feel terrific.

    How are you doing?
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    Sue, 91 lbs gone is fab! Way to go!
    I hope that I can post something similar some day!

  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Sue!

    Sorry it's taken me a month to get back on here! I log my intake and weight on MFP but forgot to check back in with this group!

    Congrats on your weight loss! That is quite an accomplishment! I have about the same weight loss goal as you, about 120 pounds. I am not 100% sure about my goal since like you it's been a LONG time since I was anywhere near a normal BMI.

    Hi Kate!

    How many days now are you into the program? Did you decide to go with the VLCD (full replacements) or the LCD (combo of real food and shakes)?


    I feel so much healthier getting the proper balance of nutrients and off the carbs. I really am considering a low carb way of eating when I reach goal. Being in ketosis has wonderful benefits! I do miss the variety of real foods and not eating at social occasions. I suppose it will get easier. I'm down 27 pounds after 5 weeks.

  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    I havent started
    Need to do EKG and bloodwork
    But, I'm getting closer!
    love reading the success stories!
    keep updating!!
    keep up the continued VLCD success!!! :)
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks Kate! I lost another 4 pounds this past week. Down 31 after 6 weeks!
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    Omg wow Julie

    Dr apt next for ekg and blood draw!
  • pweiss79
    pweiss79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this group kind of found it by accident. I'm excited to start the New Direction program. Even more so after all the positive feedback I been seeing online.
    I met with my doctor today and did the blood work and EKG. I go back next week to get the results from the blood work and meet with the dietician.
    How much exercise are people doing on this program?
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi pweiss79 Glad you found us! Once you and Kate start there will be more of us now.

    Our clinic doesn't want us to truly exercise yet but we were each given an orange stretch band with an instruction sheet to tone 10-20 minutes a session 2-3 x week. This is to get us in the habit of exercising and as we get closer to our goal we will transition to exercise easier if we have been doing the toning exercises. I haven't started doing it because there is so much to adapt to at first but now I am ready to start after 7 weeks. They say it will keep us from losing muscle.

    I bought a $28.00 fat analyzer from Amazon to track my fat% and calculate my Lean Body Mass. I found it helpful to see how much LBM I am losing. Another reason to do my toning exercises! I was down 1 pound a week in LBM for 4 weeks in a row. Here is the link if anyone is interested. http://www.amazon.com/Omron-HBF-306CN-Fat-Loss-Monitor/dp/B000FYZMYK/ref=zg_bs_3777181_1

  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    Week 8-9. I'm over 40lbs down on the VLCD and needing to add more strength training as Dr. is concerned that I'll start burning muscle. My total cholesterol is 100. My Triglycerides went from borderline to 62. Blood pressure is 120/70. Pretty amazing. Worried about maintenance as I've only a month left on full replacement. Advice on transition?
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    edited August 2015
    That's great Maral! You should order the fat analyzer I spoke of below. Easy way to track if you are burning muscle or fat. I think I read somewhere that it's typical to lose about 15% muscle when losing weight. Has anyone been told anything about that? I am going to ask at my meeting next week.

    I agree with your doctor. It's important to exercise and get that back when you are transitioning and at your goal.

    I just weighed in today after 7 weeks. Down 34 pounds. Still many, many months before I am reaching my goal!
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a few days in.

    In case anyone is interested...
    I bought this little blender ($12.60 @ Kohl's, after my coupon)

    It's perfect.
    It's got measurements on the side.
    Add my 9oz h20
    Pulse for a few seconds.
    Add some ice cubes & drink right out of cup.
    It tastes so much better than just being manually shaken!

    I blended WITH the ice (in my VitaMix) - too frothy for me.
    I prefer adding ice or pouring it over ice to get it nice and cold.

    I actually bought two of these little blenders - one for my office (lunch) and one for home.
    Def worth it, IMO.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Everybody. I'm just starting on my New Directions journey. I go for my orientation on the 26th. I'm impatient to get going! I'm trying to make some positive changes prior to orientation-- even though I really want to binge on everything I'm going to be giving up for a while! I'm really nervous and excited. I'm ready to be healthy and give up the pills (blood pressure) and avoid diabetes. I was in Europe for 5 weeks this summer on an extensive tour- and could barely keep up. I was a turtle. Some things I didn't even enjoy because I was so tired by the time I got to where I needed to go that I couldn't appreciate the being there. ;-( I want to go back to Europe and climb those mountains again!

    And- if the fellow Husker is still around on here- GO BIG RED!
  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    10 Weeks in and flirting with 50lbs down. I've gotten exercise worked into the schedule and am on 3 meal replacements a day. I'm within 10lbs of my initial goal which is 198. Happily into my 16s and getting into some 14s and regular XL. It feels good. Starting to fear having to cook again though!!