Nov 7 Goals

girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
Goals for Nov 7

1) Do meaningful work for 6-9 hours
2) Do a meditation


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Yesterday's goals: did the morning workout and brought a good lunch. Kind of overdid the moderation with the pizza (I'd budgeted for a thin crust piece and a stuffed spinach, but the stuffed spinach was way over on the other side of the table so I ended up just having thin crust vegetarian pizza, and not much at all and was under my budgeted calories so I added a Quest bar later in the evening since my protein was kind of low, seemed silly). Under calories and pretty good macros at the end of the day, and lots of vegetables, though. Did not have time to work in my treadmill sprints and, biggest failing, got home late and as a result stayed up 'til nearly 12, until I fell asleep on the couch and made myself go to bed.


    1) Morning workout (done)
    2) I'd like to do the sprints today, but work may not permit.
    3) Did not bring lunch as planned, so just stay away from unplanned mid-day snacks and stay under calories despite dinner out (Korean place)
    4) Bed at a reasonable time (adjusted for Friday, but I have to get up early on Saturday)
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    Well since I'm really hurting with shin splints right now I'm not able to run(definitely bummed about). Researching a lot about what to do to help it. Doing exercises to help fix my running form, gonna go buy some compression socks or sleeves, and get some running tape. I'm hoping this will help because my shoes aren't that old(got them in sept. and I have not run 300-500miles) otherwise I will start looking into a better quality shoe. :|

    1. arm workout
    2. abs workout
    3. under calories
    4. relaxed walk with my pup
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm leaving Montreal today for a weekend in Vermont with friends that would probably include indulging and drinking. Here are my goals for the weekend:

    1) Don't go overboard with the indulge-and-drink thing even if I'm not logging (I did great in NY this summer, I certainly can do great in Vermont)
    2) Walk, walk, walk. Walk. WALK. And if it's possible, I would love to rent a bike and make a ride around Lake Champlain (well, not AROUND, because that would take days, but on some bike paths near shore), but the weather will have to be sunny.
    3) Back home sunday, plan a nice "clean" menu for the week.
  • Jeffnjo
    Jeffnjo Posts: 78 Member
    I've done pretty good the last few days!
    My goals for today
    Enough water
    30 min exercise before work - done
    5 fruits and vegetables
    log all day & behave at dinner going out but not sure where.
  • knightaa1
    Alright! Still doing good! I won't be doing the new routine for the next couple of days because of plans. Tonight: dancing at a club! Tomorrow: going to a retro game con! I should do more abdominal exercises at some point though. Stress and lack of sleep are both becoming a problem again so gotta nip that in the butt this weekend too.

    Goals for today and this weekend:
    1. Eat something healthy
    2. Do some kind of exercise
    3. Get sleep, reduce stress
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    My goals for today are:
    1. Drink water
    2. Stay within calorie range
    3. Exercise
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    dyemysoul wrote: »
    Researching a lot about what to do to help it. Doing exercises to help fix my running form, gonna go buy some compression socks or sleeves, and get some running tape.

    Those all sounds good, and you are doing stretches too, right? (I thought I read that in a post.)

    My issue earlier in the year was different--knee problems--but fixing my form made a big difference. I think because I'm short I tend to want to lengthen my stride when I'm trying to speed up, and my cadence with I first started was slow. My physical therapist videoed me and then showed me how this was having me land hard on my heels and then almost stop in the middle of my stride. She got me to just shorten the stride which caused me to land more on my toes, and speed up my leg speed. Immediately this made me faster (not a lot, but a little) with no more effort, and I find whenever my knee starts acting up if I focus on form and cadence it helps (it feels more natural too, when I'm doing it right, more smooth). Among other things, I was feeling my run more in my quads, which I was overusing, and now I am definitely using my glutes and hamstrings more.

    Don't know if that's helpful or applicable at all, but it's so interesting what little things make a difference.
  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member
    Yesterday was pretty good. I met my goals. These are my goals for today!

    My Goals:

    1) Plan out my meals for the day
    2) Stay within my calories
    3) Exercise
    4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water