Introducing me (new and old members!)



  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    What to call me: Holly
    Birthday: December 22nd I am 34 (yikes)
    Where I'm from: live in frozen central canada (it's so cold right now)
    Weight loss goals: to get below 200 lbs, I'm only at 294 so I have a long road!!
    My maxim: self help comes from helping others,

    A little more about me: I have between 2-5 kids depending on the day of the week, 2 from me 2 from my husband and 1 we picked up along the way, I also have 3 cats and a mother! I work full time and need way more sleep than I get!

    Looking forward to seeing a bit about some more of you! Of course I know a few members but I wanted to share who I am with the new members too

    So I have just been lurking for a few days, this is mostly still me except
    Single mother of 2 kids and 3 cats! The mother doesn't live with me anymore either!
    I back tracked and am starting almost at the beginning but I caught myself and will just charge ahead again!
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    What to call me: TTG, Tallette, Kristi (my real name)

    Birthday: March 22

    Where I'm from: Santa Clara, CA (Silicon Valley woo!)

    Weight loss goals: Highest weight was 357 in December 2012. Currently at 333. Would like to get down to around 170.

    My maxim: One day at a time, one step at a time.

    A little more about me: Originally from Spokane, WA. Moved to California in June 2013 after my boyfriend got a job here. Fallen off the wagon many times, but as they say, when you fall down seven times, get up eight! I have a cat named Noodle who I love to pieces.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome to the group TTG! We look forward to see your posts :drinker: We are a friendly group, so feel free to chime in whenever :bigsmile:
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hello to all the new members. I'm sorry that I haven't come by sooner to say hello. I hope you enjoy the group. And post! post! post! There are a lot of us here, but we need more activity. I look forward to getting a chance to know you all and cheer you on.

    I'm LeAnna, by the way. :)
  • ShyGirl1978sm
    ShyGirl1978sm Posts: 38 Member
    Um, where to start....I joined up a while back, filled out my diary for a few days then life got in the way as it does. Now I'm back to try again. This is my first time joining the support groups on here.

    About me....

    Name: Sharon
    Birthday: 8th June, and I was (gulp) 36 this year!
    Where I'm from: Glasgow, but now live in Oxfordshire, UK (I noticed most people are from America or Canada, so I hope it's ok that I'm here?)
    Weight loss goal: Too overwhelming to think about in one go, so I'll say 1-2lbs a week for a very long time!
    My maxim: One day at a time
    A little more about me: I've lived away from home for 14 years now, and married for 8, no kids. I work full time and care for husband who has bipolar disorder so I often don't have time to look after myself. Which I'm coming to realise I also use as an excuse when I can't be bothered to. So here I am, trying once again to lose the weight which has always subconsciously and literally held me back all my life. Im looking for support along the way as I can never bring myself to discuss my weight with friends or family - I am literally the elephant in the room! And also to support others too.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hi, Sharon, it's nice to meet you. It's fantastic that you are here...welcome to the group.

    You do have some challenges, but I suppose we all do in some area of our lives. But we're happy to offer support, advice, or just to chat if you want. It's good that you realize that you must take care of yourself, too.

    My name is LeAnna; I'm one of the Americans. :) My husband is also disabled (he has a lung disease), and I am also "child free", so it seems we have some things in common...however, I'm considerably older than you at *gulp* 52. Some days I am amazed that I'm 52; I still feel much younger. Oh's just a number, right? :)
  • ShyGirl1978sm
    ShyGirl1978sm Posts: 38 Member
    Hi LeAnna - thanks for your lovely welcome! Yes, we all do have our different challenges in life, and it's good to chat to people who are going through the same journey.

    I don't think 52 is old at all, but these things tend to creep up on you don't they. One minute your 18 the next, ah well I agree, age is but a number :)
  • hi everybody. i'm back! i have had a couple of months of no motivation. haven't been exercising or eating right. BUT........... I am back at it. today is the day i start fresh and put the focus back on me and my healthy life! i hope you guys have all been doing well and having progress and success.
  • offandwalking
    offandwalking Posts: 3 Member
    What to call me: April or Scarfy (my nickname)
    Birthday: 4/18/81
    Where I'm from: I'm from KY but currently living in TN.
    Weight loss goals: Right now my WLG is 190. If I hit that I will reevaluate.
    My maxim: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present.'"
    A little more about me: In 2003 I had back surgery and for 10 blissful years I had no issues until this past October. I decided I needed to get stronger so I joined a gym -- not necessarily to lose weight. I just wanted to be strong. Then I recently went to the doctor where I found out that I have bulging and herniated discs as well as Type 2 Diabetes. :/

    It's been a huge depressing pile on but I would really like to beat diabetes. I have an appointment with a specialist next week for my back. I guess I'll see from there how much I can continue to do. I know for sure I would benefit from a 100 lb loss.