Day 53: Friday, November 14, 2014

balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Thursday was a better day but need to do better on Friday.

Get ready for weigh in on Sunday.


  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    edited November 2014
    Day 53 is going to be unique in the series of our group threads. From now on I am not going to write but to speak out my mind. Not to say something for the sake of saying but for the sake of expressing.

    I am bored with stating goals here. More so bored due to life without a home TV and home wifi is terrible. I had a very tough week to cope with the absence of both. I am expecting TimeWarner to show up for the installation on Friday. Give up anything in the world but not your home TV and wifi. I ran out of my cellular data plan twice and the snail paced cellular network is not fun either.

    Now relating above trivia with my goals, I need three things every day:
    1) Calories under limit (1500)
    2) Walks to remind me that how tough it is to burn that extra bar, and
    3) Being 'interestingly' busy

    All in a day.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Yesterday was ok, stayed under calorie count and despite boot camp getting cancelled I went home and did Bob Harpers Body Rev cardio conditioning...killer workout an hour in length. I managed 32 minutes before I called uncle. Lol. Off today so heading for an extra boot camp and lots of errands, still too cold to get out and walk
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Seriously, I feel inactive on my recovery days. To avoid this feeling I must do a better job of keeping my phone on me so I can at least track my steps.
    Calories were upped since yesterday to 2000!
    I'm only closing my diary the next day when I wake up because I had days when I had to edit.
    In August, when I was working with comparable weight as the present ones, I felt terrible and burned out. This time around, my intake is more appropriate for my activity level and I feel good and energetic. The scale went down today!!!
    Funny how close I am to my original goal of hitting 195 lb by the end of the year. Last month I changed my goal to 189lb by the end of the challenge. At this moment I just want to enjoy all my extra calories and get great workouts in.
    Let's rock this day!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Yesterday 's goals were all met but one. I did not get 12,000 steps only got a little over 10,000. Stayed under my calories even with a Birthday cupcake. Scale keeps moving in the right direction. Hoping to stay within my calories, get at least 8 glasses of water, and get 12,000 steps. This s a goal that I have everyday. Have a great Friday.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I like this, my goals are always the same with some variations, but always the same.

    I have been rather unmotivated with the repetitiveness of my workouts, I have been finding other ways to burn calories (massive amounts of cleaning and work outside). I have even taken up walking in the evenings if time and weather permits. I only have 3 days left in my kickboxing regime and then I get to move on to something new and exciting. In the spirit of not giving up, I am dedicating myself to the remaining 3 days of kickboxing.
    I have noticed within the last week that I have been spending a lot more time on the couch playing games on the computer or reading. I need to fix that. I will be a much happier person accomplishing tasks on my long list of To Dos.
    For the next 3 days I will re-commit to kickboxing, and being more active. I want to and I need to.