Fitbit and MFP food plans - Anyone else having a sync issue?

loralye211 Posts: 29 Member
I turned on the food plan on my fitbit flex, mostly out of curiosity since I use MFP for logging food. Recently, I noticed that for my dinners, fitbit is saying that I consumed over 1000 calories. I've checked on MFP and it was definitely under that number (more in 300-400 calorie range). On fitbit, you can't see what foods it is tracking, it only shows a summary which is the total calories of each meal from MFP. Anyone else having this issue or similar?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My dashboard screwed up today on calorie burn too. The Log page, Activity tab, is giving me activity history and no daily burn.
    The daily burn on the Dashboard is totally inflated, and what MFP reports Fitbit is telling it is much smaller.
    The MFP diet part is already though, so Fitbit bugs.
  • loralye211
    loralye211 Posts: 29 Member
    i started looking at mfp's food log on the website and i found the issue. for one of the foods i was logging using my iPhone app, the mfp website kept using the wrong unit of measurement. So when i logged 50g of red peppers on the app, the MFP website log was recording it as 50 whole red peppers. That's where my 1000+ calories over came from. I ended up changing each instance to a different choice in the mfp food database.
  • ssathya
    ssathya Posts: 2 Member
    o:) 50 whole red peppers in one meal! MFP should do some validation.

    One good thing in the phone is when we do our entry it shows the calories as soon as we enter the count/quantity. I usually check if the number displayed looks reasonable.