In need of some new friends and support. :)



  • lauramegan28
    lauramegan28 Posts: 36 Member
    @snaps27 no I haven't tried any fasting diets I think I would be starving I'll give my calorie deficit diet at least a couple more weeks. But if no results then I will probably be looking into some sort of fasting diet.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    hey everyone feel free to add me :) im 24 with DS 3 and DD 7 I have only got about 10lbs to lose but I don't concentrate on the scales anymore go by pictures and measurements at the moment I weight train with cardio 6 days a week.

    @lauramegan28 I did the 5;2 diet for a few months lost nothing but tryed going low carb and it was really good for me I lost 8lbs in 2 weeks but I couldn't live like it forever so now keep my carbs under 100 instead of 20.
  • AidansStarfish
    AidansStarfish Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I am 39, have 4 and 2 year-old kiddos and a husband who travels a lot. I did quite well last year and have completely fallen off these last 4 months. It was hard to go from being so focused for 9 months and then realize just how much I can get done when I don't prioritize my eating and exercising. For me, the food follows the exercise, so I know I just need to get moving again. I would love just a couple friends on here to help with mutual support. I started in the 190's (5'6") last September, was down to lower 150's last May and now back to 181 today. Hoping being here helps.
  • locnlovely
    locnlovely Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! My name is Tanisha and I am the 39 yo mother of 2 boys, ages 8 and 6 and stepmom to two ages 17 and 22. I have used MFP before, and was successful. I got frustrated at a plateau and stopped everything. I gained weight, again, and now I am back to attempt to lose it, again. I would love to have more mom friends, so please add me and be sure to write me a message with your friend request!
  • VTmom208
    VTmom208 Posts: 17 Member
    My Name is Cindy & I am new as well. I am a SAHM to a 10 yr old & a 3 yr old. I have 50-60lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!!
  • trainmitvicky
    trainmitvicky Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Victoria. Originaly from Moldova, but I live in Germany. My son is 11 months old. Since his birth I've lost 39 lbs, my weight is 121 lbs now. Feel free to add me
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Hi my name is Heidi. I live in Cape Town, South Africa.
    I'm a SAHM to a 7 year old son, and a 4 year old daughter.
    My husband works away from home, and is only home for 25% of the year.
    I gained my weight during my pregnancies as I ate far too much.
    I was at 60kg (132lb) when I fell pregnant with my son, and when I gave birth to my daughter I was 102kg (224lb)
    I'm now at 79kg (174lb)and I desperately want to be under 65kg 143lb)
    Please feel free to add me .
  • sarstar1
    sarstar1 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 33 years old living in the Kansas City area. I am a first-time working mom to an almost 8mo old little girl. I was overweight starting out at the pregnancy and most of my baby weight has come off which means I'm back to my original weight at 207lbs. I am trying to reach my goal weight of 150lbs, which I haven't been at that since college. Feel free to add me for support!
  • MrsOlson1006
    MrsOlson1006 Posts: 90 Member
    I am a mom to an awesome and brilliant 3yo boy. My life is consumed with him and my hubby's needs. I have put myself on the back burner for long enough. Friend me and together we can do this!
  • dylangrrrrl
    dylangrrrrl Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all! I'm a fulltime working, 40 yo mom of two (3 and 1 yrs) looking for support and advice on how to balance work/kids/husband/home/personal health. I think the secret is to get up super early and your time is your own! :) Good luck to all in meeting your goals for 2015! It's not rocket science, we can do this! Feel free to friend me for support!
  • motivated2419
    motivated2419 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey all I'm a mom of an adorable 3 1/2 year old. I work,take care of my son and I am now going back to college. I am looking for moms to help me motivate me and who i can talk to when I need some help while balancing it all. Please add if you would like.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm mum to 2 teenage daughters (13 and 15) and a 3 year old monster who is my boy!

    Please feel free to add me. I've gained 12lbs in the last few months... ouch! So i'm here to try, not only to lose the weight i've gained, but to get a bit healthier longer term.

    Trying to juggle, work, kids, house etc leaves me very little time to myself! It's really not easy trying to get healthy when everyone else in the house is not dieting or being healthy!

  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi I am 43 yo single mom to two beautiful fully energize little ones. A 4 yr old girl and 5 yr old boy(my nephew whom I adopted). I was laid off my job of 14 yrs in Sept. 2013 and started temping in June 2014 in a office desk job. So I get no exercise at all at work.
    I gained 77 lbs during my pregnancy with my daughter and haven't been able to loose them. So yesterday I made the decision to make this my year, so I rejoined MFP, dusted off my work out dvds and brought a Fitbit. Let the journey begin. :D
  • DiChic74
    DiChic74 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 40-yr old mom to a beautiful 5 year old boy and working full-time -- I'm so happy to find a group like this!! I can't seem to find the time/motivation to work out and I have a deep dislike of gyms so I need advice to help me find ways throughout the day to add exercise. I also want to eat healthier and take better care of my skin. I am still carrying about 20 lbs of baby weight that are centered around my middle/thighs so losing those would not only make me feel better but help reduce risk of heart it's a win-win on paper, just needing help to get in the habit!!! ;)

    Just rejoined MFP today and committing to tracking all my food as Step 1 in this journey.
    Go us!!!!
  • Kristy5225
    Kristy5225 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all. I am a 40 year old mum of a 15yo daughter and 2 sons aged 14 and 2. I work full time and do struggle to balance home/work/kids/hubby and only recently decided that I need to lose those creeping mummy kilos. Would love some new friends and to give and receive support.
  • Owenlemm
    Owenlemm Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone. I am a 38 year old mom of 3 (8,5,3). I stay at home and struggle to find the time to exercise as my younger children hate when I go to the gym. I really need some help to stay motivated. I have been using MFP on and off for a few years now. I usually start strong and end up losing motivation in logging. I am hoping this is the year I can stay active and continue to log in.
  • sari_endipity08
    sari_endipity08 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I haven't been on this group for awhile but I'm back! I just had my second baby 14 weeks ago and have have a 5 year old as well. I've lost, gained, lost and gained again with the pregnancy. I'm ready to make some real changes for a healthier me both physically and mentally as well. Would love to connect with moms because only we know how hard it can be to balance it all and take care of ourselves! Looking forward to making some new friends to help keep me motivated and that I can motivate as well! Add me :)
  • alleycat55
    alleycat55 Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a daughter who is almost 4. I worked full-time until a few weeks ago when I made the decision to take some time to focus on school full-time (I was previously attending part-time) and spend more time with my daughter. I'm also working on developing healthier habits, including exercising most days.
  • So excited to be a part of some motivational entities instead of trying to do it all by myself. Thanks for your stories ladies. Today I drank three glasses of water and did 20 minutes of yoga stretches despite my screaming baby and dogs in my face the entire time. I know it doesn't seem like much, but for me that was huge and only my second day into my new routine. Yay...sooo motivated right now!