Favorite Book Series

adamtall Posts: 275 Member
Just wondering what your favorite book series is?

for me currently its Kingkiller Chronicles (GOD DAMN IT PAT PUT DAY 3 OUT ALREADY)

but if i really really am honest with myself Dragon Lance is the books that i love and the ones that started me into reading fantasy. Rastline was and amazing character that really fueled all the rest of the books, the other characters are memorable and unique but he was just beyond anything you expected and you kept reading in hopes of seeing him fall one way or the other on his path just so you could say yes i new he was evil or yes i knew he would come back to the light


  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm still gripped by the Black Library Horus Heresy series of books, audiobooks and epubs which i've been collecting since it came out way back when in 2006 ish. It has brought the fluff from the hobby I started back in 1992 right through to my cosplay and costuming and miniature painting to life and I love that the hobby has unlocked so many avenues for me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. No contest (although only at the second book as well). And the Wheel of Time.

    I like the Kingkiller chronicles too but frankly liked the first one much better than the second one. I also love the series from Peter Hamilton - the reality discfunction one and Pandora Star/Judas Unchained and the Void trilogy.

    And Harry Potter, of course. I'd put the Dark Tower of Stephen King in there but didn't like the last 3 that much, and I've been bored out of my mind by the new one... which you could skip, I guess.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    i picked up the stormlight archives but havent dove into it yet ive heard such great things about it. right now im just starting the jim butcher series Codex Allura or something like that (starts with Furies of Calendor) and after i finish that book up im gonna read the stormlight archives and see which series i want to stick with till day 3 comes out.

    I thought both Kingkiller Chronicles were excellent but i enjoyed the more actiony feel of the second one after he left the university, although the whole time he was in the fae and afterwards was kinda eh to me due to how he changed his personality (i dont want to spoil it for anyone but im sure you know what i mean)
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Harry Dresden all the way baby!!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    My all time favorite is David Brin's Uplift Trilogy (actually Startide Rising and the other Uplift books as well). I'm also a huge fan of Robin Hobb's Elderlings series - a set of sorta chronological/sorta nested trilogies.

    PS Thanks for letting me join!
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    The Saga of Darren Shan.
    Loved him before vampires were mainstream! Haha.
    The movie was TERRIBLE!

    And Harry Potter, obviously.
  • HoneyFrogger
    HoneyFrogger Posts: 59 Member
    Gonna go with Harry Potter :D for awhile I would have said a song of ice & fire but after going over Harry Potter again I Love it far more
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Deathlands, Outlanders, a lot of 1980s post apocalyptic books that were churned out monthly with very little plot.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    edited November 2014
    rowlandsw wrote: »
    Deathlands, Outlanders, a lot of 1980s post apocalyptic books that were churned out monthly with very little plot.

    Amazon has these Kindle bundles for super cheap, they're all themed and at least one is post-apocalyptic like that.

    Obv not this specific one but here's what I'm talking about, it's 8 books for .99. I wish I could remember what the apocalypse one was called!


    (ETA: The one I have is "This is the End 2". Which probably means there's a 1.)

  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Looks like "this is the end" has 3 sets now i need a kindle lol
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    It will always be LOTR for me. Nobody beats Tolkien :)

  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    All time favorite is DragonLance. DH let me read his books while we were dating and I became hooked on Fantasy.
  • jessiwithaneye
    jessiwithaneye Posts: 39 Member
    I really liked the Mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson. LOTR is, of course, classic. The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett are wonderful (though I admit I'm several behind at this point--I think I'm grieving his decline in health).
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Wheel of Time. Others have come and gone, but the Wheel of Time has always been #1 for me.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    First...no favorite.

    Wheel of Time is great...especially when Brandon Sanderson began to write. His language is so much sharper. Though he didn't give enough time to Matt!

    The problem I have with many series is that the author, unless gifted or had the foresight to pre-plotted, loses their momentum and their verve somewhere in the series. I like the beginning or middle of many a series, but the last books only for their nostalgia. My goodreads ratings seem to have a bell curve when it comes to series. :(

    Harry Potter
    Dragon Actually (Just the middle ones though. SO funny)
    Percy Jackson
    Immortals after Dark
    Women of the Otherworld
    Knitting in the City
  • timetravelforfitness
    Joannah700 wrote: »
    Wheel of Time is great...especially when Brandon Sanderson began to write. His language is so much sharper. Though he didn't give enough time to Matt!

    I keep trying to tell my friends who read the first couple books with me about this. It pays off in the end. If only Robert Jordan had had someone besides his wife to edit him. I wish I could go back and edit his books ... she said as she sharply yanked her braid.

    I love Thursday Next, and am really enjoying the Quarkbeast series by Jasper Fforde, but nothing beats The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. Especially if you include Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash and The Diamond Age as part of it.
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    ice and fire and harry potter.
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    Jack L Chalker(RIP) made some really great series:

    The Wonderland Gambit(some pieces were inspiration for The Matrix)
    The Well of Souls series
    The Quintara Marathon
    The Changewinds
    The River of the Gods

    Others I enjoy are:

    Neuromancer(William Gibson, not really a series but there are other books in the same universe)
    The Time Master(Louise Cooper)
    Crash Course(wilhelmina baird, sequel is Clip Joint then Psykosis, series doesn't really have a name)

  • MuirinArcher
    MuirinArcher Posts: 37 Member
    I'm so happy this thread is here. I'm dry on books right now, waiting for all the rest of the series to come out.
    I currently have been reading:
    The Fallen Kingdoms (Morgan Rhodes)
    Dresden Files (of course) (Jim Butcher)
    The Imager Chronicles (LE Modesitt)
    Heir Chronicles (Chima)
    Lightbringer Series and Night Angel (Brent Weeks)

    And probably others I can't even think of right now.
    I need something new, a new series to really envelope my life. Preferably one with at least a few books in it. Help? (If you have any specific suggestions, please feel free to message me!)
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Favorite series, Mercy Thompson Series and Women of the otherworld.

    Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series will be my all time never get tired of series. I read the first book when I was younger and fell in love.