HELLO! hello?



  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, fitb440goal! Is that little cutie of a puppy what a 150 lb mastif looks like before gaining 140 lbs?! Congratulations on your great success; you've done incredible things since July. Wow. Any tips for catching and keeping your "sticktoitness"? And any fun activities planned for the weekend?
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    WWnot wrote: »
    Hi, fitb440goal! Is that little cutie of a puppy what a 150 lb mastif looks like before gaining 140 lbs?! Congratulations on your great success; you've done incredible things since July. Wow. Any tips for catching and keeping your "sticktoitness"? And any fun activities planned for the weekend?

    Yup, that's our guy Uno when he was only about 4 weeks old. He's now huge! Thanks for the congrats. I think the biggest thing for me is that my mindset has changed to focus on my ultimate goal of losing this excess weight before I turn 40. I weigh less than I have in the last 8.5 years and I feel so much better, it makes me want to keep going. Another thing is that I'm trying to take it day by day and not get discouraged when I see a gain on the scale because overall the trend is that I keep losing. The weekend has passed but I didn't have any big plans. My husband and I ended up going to the MSU football game at the last minute... too bad we lost :-(

    Have a great week!
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    We've become such a quiet bunch. I hope it's because we all have good things happening in the real world that are keeping us away from the virtual world! I also expect that because it's a short week for many, the shopping, cooking, planning, cleaning, travelling and other preparations for Thanksgiving are keeping people busy. This Canadian loves US Thanksgiving because the work-related buzz from across the border starts to slow and by mid-week, while you're enjoying time with loved ones, I'm able to catch up on so many things. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, safe travels if travelling is in your plans and I look forward to hearing about the many ways you were able to stay the course, or step off the course and get back on, or need some help getting back on...what every you need.
    And in the interim, I'll be here. B)
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Yea WWnot, it has been quiet. I for one have been struggling a bit with juggling lots of new health choices regarding food and activity since i joined MFP. From our 10lb goal thread here, I have lost approximately 8lb so far. Seems like for me what is really working best now is not logging my food every day but somehow I need to stay tied in as not logging at all isn't great either for me. Loving 5:2 eating plan best of all probably for a number of reasons and it seems to be working for me. Also have a specialist helping me with my autoimmune stuff which has me on a paleo diet with lots of things off limits for 21 days such as grains, dairy, legumes, and tropical fruit to name a few. I am not much of a meat eater so my food is really hard right now. Maybe I will not log on my low cal days (M, TR) and see if the 5 days a week is a good fit.

    How are you WWnot!?!?!? Where is figb440goal and peacehawk??? What is working for y'all this month? What is not?
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    edited November 2014
    Still preparing for our thanksgiving. We decided to have it on Sunday. We are calling it a Gratitude Dinner. "Just a few friends," we said, "we have a dozen folding chairs, so we can invite up to 10 friends", we said. 30 folding chairs rented, borrowing 3 more tables, cooking 2 turkeys and 2 half hams moving livingroom furniture into one of the bedrooms. "Just a few friends", we said. <3
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Aha! Signs of post-Thanksgiving pre-Gratitude dinner life from Peacehawk. One additional cause for gratitude would be that moving dinner to Sunday, your guests were able to avoid travelling in the horrid weather last Wednesday and Thursday.
    Hey Surfingbodi - congrats on the success to date and for recognizing what works for you. Looks like that "everything in moderation" theory even applies wrt logging. I can't figure out what you must be eating if you've had to knock out grains, dairy, legumes and tropical fruit and you don't eat much meat. I don't eat any meat, although I will eat fish from time to time, and thus your food restrictions would have me mighty hungry. Then again, i'd probably lose weight a heck of a lot faster, too. I was reading about the 5:2 approach and i'm glad it works for you too. What is your total calorie intake on a 2 day and on a 5 day?
    I keep plugging away and find that having committed to this group, i feel that i'm on the hook to be responsive and responsible at least until the end of December! No idea what will happen afterward! Except that i'll be on a plane on December 31st and won't be around to weigh in until toward the end of January. So i'm a little uneasy but i certainly won't let it spoil the trip. I have let such concerns spoil trips in the past and when i got back from where ever assuming that i must have gained a lot of weight, i found that it was all in my imagination and that i had made myself feel miserable for no good reason. Argh. But enough about that.
    Still struggling with my pulled calf muscle and off running. Played squash this morning thinking that it wouldn't be affected since the movements are different. Wrong. now i'm limping better that ever. Merde. Oh well. I shall continue to work on strengthening the muscles and rolling my calf on the @#$%^!!! hockey ball while trying to keep the dog from grabbing it (the ball, not my leg!) and running away with it.
    Rather chatty just now, i noticed. Home alone, such a delight. :smile:
    Hope everyone is well, figb440goal included.
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm here. Unfortunately I've been sick the last week and a half. I'm just starting to feel better. My family and I completed a 5K TurkeyTrot on Thanksgiving and we loved it so I'm sure it will be an annual tradition from now on. I created a post on the brag board regarding hitting onderland. It's been a long time coming and I'm happy that I've finally arrived. I have only worked out a couple of times while being sick so my goal this week is to get back into the swing of things. I'm wrapping up weeks 3 & 4 of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and moving onto weeks 5 & 6. Take care everyone and I hope you're doing great.
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Hey fitb440goal, aka Superwoman, good for you that inspite of being under the weather you were able to keep up your exercise plans and complete the Turkey Trot too. I hope you'll be 100% soon if not already there.
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks WWnot! I'm feeling much better, just need to get rid of this lingering cough and I'll be 100%.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    WWnot wrote: »
    Aha! Signs of post-Thanksgiving pre-Gratitude dinner life from Peacehawk. One additional cause for gratitude would be that moving dinner to Sunday, your guests were able to avoid travelling in the horrid weather last Wednesday and Thursday.
    Hey Surfingbodi - congrats on the success to date and for recognizing what works for you. Looks like that "everything in moderation" theory even applies wrt logging. I can't figure out what you must be eating if you've had to knock out grains, dairy, legumes and tropical fruit and you don't eat much meat. I don't eat any meat, although I will eat fish from time to time, and thus your food restrictions would have me mighty hungry. Then again, i'd probably lose weight a heck of a lot faster, too. I was reading about the 5:2 approach and i'm glad it works for you too. What is your total calorie intake on a 2 day and on a 5 day?
    I keep plugging away and find that having committed to this group, i feel that i'm on the hook to be responsive and responsible at least until the end of December! No idea what will happen afterward! Except that i'll be on a plane on December 31st and won't be around to weigh in until toward the end of January. So i'm a little uneasy but i certainly won't let it spoil the trip. I have let such concerns spoil trips in the past and when i got back from where ever assuming that i must have gained a lot of weight, i found that it was all in my imagination and that i had made myself feel miserable for no good reason. Argh. But enough about that.
    Still struggling with my pulled calf muscle and off running. Played squash this morning thinking that it wouldn't be affected since the movements are different. Wrong. now i'm limping better that ever. Merde. Oh well. I shall continue to work on strengthening the muscles and rolling my calf on the @#$%^!!! hockey ball while trying to keep the dog from grabbing it (the ball, not my leg!) and running away with it.
    Rather chatty just now, i noticed. Home alone, such a delight. :smile:
    Hope everyone is well, figb440goal included.

    Excercising with pets around is a blessing and frustration at the same time. When I do yoga, my pets insist that if my hands are out, they be petting their fur. If my hands are busy, they may lick my face , knowing i can't fend them off! But I figure laughing with them just burns more calories!

    Merde was my first swear word in French. I can still remember being three or four years old while my dad was pushing me on a swing, and I asked him how to say sh__ in French, he laughed and told me. I think he figured I'd forget, but I never have :D .

    I agree about your dietary restrictions, Surfingbody. My partner is supposed to follow a whole mess of them, and does for a while, but it gets to feeling overwhelming after a while and she orders pizza. My niece does paleo and feels so much better with it. She has all kinds of recipes and tips at www.naturallivingmamma.com .
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    I find that swearing in French makes it seem so much less offensive to my ears and yet so very effective for expressing the appropriate thought. I couldn't imagine using *kitten* in my note above! Egads!
    Tried a short little run this morning and at 1.32km i had the yikes, ouch moment again and so onward i go with the hockey ball, tension elastic strengthening exercises and foam roller. So very disappointing. But on the glass half full side of things, at least I'm able to pedal my legs to exhaustion on the stationery bike at the gym. And an additional upside to the bike is that i can read while i sweat.
    Speaking of reading...Books (since we talked about them a month ago): Just finished an historical novel on Isabella of Castile and it was interesting to learn about how progressive she was wrt to education for women and her belief that women were far more capable then society would allow. Pretty advanced for the mid 15th century. On the other hand, this is the same woman who launched the Spanish Inquisition.
    Given my current need for laughter, I think it's time to read "Good Omens" by Pratchett and Gaiman, because i have it on good authority that I will laugh my butt off.
    Vegetarian Ribollita for supper tonight, already defrosting on the counter. If you haven't tried it, i highly recommend it. We may drop some fish pieces into it to make it more Cioppino'ish.
    Thanks for your continued presence, everyone. You're good for my focus on this challenge and i do appreciate it very much!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    What is ribolita?

    Good job on pushing through!
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Ribollita is a delicious soup (potage) from Tuscany. It contains vegetables and stale bread and cannellini beans. While there are variations, recipes include kale and cabbage and tomatoes amongst other veggies, as well as stale sourdough bread (i use baguette) combines to make it a wonderful rich thick soup. I also puree half the beans to add to the richness. Some recipes use pancetta or bacon too but it's sooooo satisfying even without the added meat. Easy to make, filling and full of flavour.
    Have you been enjoying soups made with the vegetables from your garden? Do you have a favourite soup?
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Sounds delicious!

    Yes, I stocked our freezer with lots of kale, chard, and spinach from the garden. I use them in soups, omlettes, and anywhere else I can. Made a great pea soup last week. Not from the garden, but I had been craving it for weeks.

    A friend made a spicy pumpkin soup for our gratitude dinner. That was delicious, too.

    One of my favorite non soup things co make and can is something we call pepper sauce. We take a bushel of tomatoes, a peck of jalapeños, a half bushel of bell peppers, a bunch of onions, a peck of mild banana peppers, one halepeno, a couple bulbs of garlic, and whatever other peppers we have around. We throw it all into a couple of big stock pots and stee them all together until the peppers start to soften. Then, we put it into canning jars and eat it for a year. We use it as a base for chili, in soups, in jambolaya, roasted with meat, and sometimes we heat ut and eat it as a side dish, like some people do with stewed tomatoes.