Anyone have tips to tone???

Rikuya Posts: 15 Member
Hello all! I am looking to tone up my belly and and upper arm area (especially the tricep area that just seems to remain a little jiggly). I was hoping to get some tips/workouts that can help with this. I will shamefully admit that I have slacked off in my gym goings but I am aiming towards doing things at home and renewing my gym membership when I get the money.


  • sweetest_potato
    sweetest_potato Posts: 53 Member
    It's not really possible to spot-reduce, but if you build muscle and lose a bit of body fat, you'll definitely look toned everywhere!
    I do weight-training at the moment, but have ordered resistance bands to work out at home. You can do SO many weight training exercises with resistance bands (with a door anchor or tied around something) and I really recommend you consider investing in a set of them :)
  • scuba6randy
    scuba6randy Posts: 34 Member
    agree with sweetest_potato, reduce overall body fat (no such thing as spot reduction, the body stores it where it chooses. the first place to store fat is the last to let it go) and strengthen the muscle that's there. look up some good core exercises and watch the diet (meal plan, I prefer to call it). do some tricep extension exercises. grab some kind of weight (anything that's small and has weight will do) lie on your back and point your weight to the ceiling, lower the "weight" to your shoulder, keeping your elbow stationary then straighten out again. If you can do more than 12 repetitions, grab something heavier. (a half gallon milk jug with a screw cap filled with sand works well in a pinch. then switch arms. do a couple of sets of these every couple of days and your arms will begin to tone up.