Dec. 8 goals

DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
I had a somewhat boozy weekend, and I feel quite bloated this morning, but I'm overall proud of everything I achieved last week (hello, two pounds loss!), and especially of what my husband and I have done this weekend.

I have my office Christmas party on Wednesday, so for the next two days, I'll increase a little bit my workouts, and I'll try to manage an overall deficit of 150 cals or so everyday, so I'll have more calories to play with on Wednesday.

Today's goals:

- Log accurately and follow the plan (including eating my afternoon snack, which I usually forgot, resulting in my RAVING for food at dinner)
- 45 min. aerobics + 20 min. yoga

I have some errands to do, including a getting a new haircut and picking up my cat's meds at the vet clinic. and I have shopping to do for the office Christmas party, so those two goals will be enough for today.


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm doing something similar. I finally gave up on staying within my calories on the weekends for the rest of the month--too many parties. I'm not way over, but it's impossible to really count. So I'm lowering my calories in general by 100 and I'll stick to that during the week. I tried just staying under by an extra 100 last week, but found that I'd pretty much always justify going closer to the limit.

    I'm also going to try to stay really consistent about the workouts, especially my running, which is far too easy to blow off when the weather is unappealing. I missed my planned workout on Sunday since I had to work and unavoidably ended up staying far later than planned, although that was followed by my second b'day dinner (Saturday's had turned out to be more of a b-day dinner than expected), so can't complain.

    Today's challenge is that I will be working late, and did not bring dinner (hope springs eternal, so I didn't want to concede that I would be here) which means either hunger or someone ordering pizza could be a temptation. General goals:

    1) Workout in the morning - DONE (didn't quite get up as early as I wanted, but close)
    2) Stay within my (new) calories
    3) Get together lunch for tomorrow (I had half of one for today, but then decided I'd rather buy something and save my leftovers for dinner, as I'd be getting home late)
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    I'm in finals week, so the predominant amount of my free time will be dedicated to that. Here are my goals for today:
    • Eat well (no processed carbs), drink only water, tea, and coffee
    • Get some sort of exercise in, even if it's just crunches and push-ups between studying
    • Take the time to put bedroom blinds up