Day 5 of pre-op diet OMG how did you guys do this!!

This is just insane. I don't post very often and if you guys knew me or can tell from my page, I am a very optomistic person. I am always happy go lucky, up beat, hence the name FUNFATFRIEND. But OMG I am totally hating this! Number one I don't like sweets, I attempted sf pudding with my protein, it was ok day one and two. Now eck! Jello could not even gag it down. Decaf coffee and broth are my saving grace. I am getting yogurt down in the morning. Just wanted to vent a little. >:)


  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I was lucky--my pre-op diet was 3 protein drinks, 2 protein bars, fluids and a healthy dinner. I did not have to go on all liquids or anything very tough.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've been in nicey nicey mode for my other posts this evening, but you get tough love.

    You've got about two-three months ahead of you full of new challenges and eating before it settles down to a manageable routine. Expect hard days and prepare yourself for a new strategy each week. you can handle it and in six months, you will be helping April's newbies deal with their challenges!

    You can do this!

  • JeanneMarie11111
    JeanneMarie11111 Posts: 57 Member
    :) you can do this it is well worth the effort
  • funfatfriend
    funfatfriend Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks guys :smile: and Rob that's "tough love"? LOL I was expecting buck up buttercup. Hehehehehehe I am better today, must have been carb withdrawl talking ;)
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    What else is on your diet? I made a big pot of soup for the week and I add a little protein powder to it. If you used canned, add some seasoning it makes it palatable. Greek yogurt is awesome too. I can have strained fruits as well so I cooked up some blueberries with cinnamon and strained it then added some corn starch and a little stevia. I put some of this on plain yogurt, not too sweet. One week done, One to go. I am surprised at how well I am doing. No cheating at all. I don't know why but most regular food is turning me off. Getting tons of fluid and protein has kept me full. Hang in there surgery sister. Feel free to message me if you need support....gum helps with the chewing part (or lack of) :)
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks guys :smile: and Rob that's "tough love"? LOL I was expecting buck up buttercup. Hehehehehehe I am better today, must have been carb withdrawl talking ;)

    In our family, the go to is "Suck it up, Princess", applicable to make and female alike! It's what I was thinking!

  • funfatfriend
    funfatfriend Posts: 57 Member
  • pcoppock
    pcoppock Posts: 140 Member
    rpyle111 wrote: »
    Thanks guys :smile: and Rob that's "tough love"? LOL I was expecting buck up buttercup. Hehehehehehe I am better today, must have been carb withdrawl talking ;)

    In our family, the go to is "Suck it up, Princess", applicable to make and female alike! It's what I was thinking!

    Ours is "Too bad, so sad, crawdad".
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    Ours--is put on your big girl panties! ( Or pants for the guys!)
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    rpyle111 wrote: »

    In our family, the go to is "Suck it up, Princess", applicable to make and female alike! It's what I was thinking!

    This is one of my family's faves, too!
  • funfatfriend
    funfatfriend Posts: 57 Member
    You guys make me laugh :D I am trying to whine and you are like "suck it" bahahahah just like a family!! Love it! Janet, diet is sf jello and pudding , ff broth or strained cream of chicken soup, lite yogurt strained with has bits of fruit, ff skim milk, sf applesauce. And add protein powder to everything. I am fine now but Saturday was feeling awful, they gave me auggmentin for a sinus infection and I think that just added to me feeling bad. Also I should mention I go to bootcamp 4x a week. And the no food and sinus and working out took its toll. Look I am whining again Bahahahahaha! I know suck it up. Surgery in 5 days. WOOOOHOOOOO
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Wow just 5 days!!! Exciting!! Trust me... eating so little will be LOTS easier after surgery. Good for you for hanging in there!! I was super lucky--- I only had to do a liquid diet for all of 3-4 days pre-op. That was it. I do not know how some people manage--- 2, 3, even 4 weeks pre-op!! ACK!! But you are at the home stretch!!
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    You will make it, and you will have the same liquids menu afterwards. Hang in there. This is a short (but not so fun) period but think of the years of health you will have to show for it!!
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    If it helps, especially since you're on the liquid, my biggest thing that grossed people out is that I ate cream of anything soup. 98% fat free kind. It's not the fact that I ate it, it's how i ate it.....straight from the can, cold, and unmixed with water. Doing that made people around me gag. Literally, one of my supervisors almost puked and stormed off. Some childhood thing that happened to him I guess. But, it did give the food weight, which is what I needed on my stomach. It helped me feel like I ate something. Plus I was allowed fresh vegetables and since spinach has always been a staple of mine, it was the cream of (whatever) soup, a 5oz bag of spinach and then the sugar free pudding, popsicles, jello, and whatever else I was able to have. All sugar free and such of course.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    I got through knowing that there was a light at the end of the tunnel this time. How many times have you tried to diet in the past and failed. In all of my past diet failures the defining thing that ruined me over and over again was impatience combined with a shoddy return on investment.

    The other posters on this thread are right. Get through this! Know that this time it's going to pay off.

    I fought for years to get this surgery. I feel so strongly for people who need and don't have access to this procedure. You're being blessed with the gift of a second chance, and what you're sacrificing right now will pay off ten fold.

    If anticipating all the good that will come from this isn't enough to motivate you to stay on track, then think about all the people who would give anything to be starting the journey you're going to start.

    Hang in there. You've got this! (*)
  • funfatfriend
    funfatfriend Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks guys, and jamezln...ewwwwwwwww.. cold cream soup. yuck LOL I have already been meal planning for the pureed stage, I kind of dream about how awesome its going to be. And paul87920 you hit the nail on the head! I just keep thinking this time there is light this time. I so need this surgery to help me get where I need to be!
  • Every bodies responses have been good and honest here. It is true that it is a small time period in a much larger journey. But it is probably the hardest in my opinion. As i was travelling during my 15 day pre-op liquid diet, I was able to supplement a little with porridge type foods if no other options were available. Even that was hard but it kept me sane too. I lived mainly on meal replacement shakes in sachets as I just had to find water for them, not impossible in India. I agree with Paul. Not everybody can have this surgery for many reasons. I feel really blessed that I was given this chance. I am far from perfect but I could never have done this without the procedure. And because I had to jump through a lot of hoops, travel to India etc to have it, I remind myself of that when I feel a little dismayed. You are in for an amazing journey. The pre-op diet will be a distant memory soon.
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Mine was total liquid/shake diet for two weeks- and it was the hardest thing about this process. A coworker had to hang up on me I was such a psycho by day 5...that being said- when I did have to cheat it was a hard boiled egg or somethig like that...turning off the TV and going to bed early helps. When your fasting like that- everything on TV is about food. Just take it one day at a time and keep your goal in sight.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had a couple of weeks preop of only liquids and like you struggled with the too sweet protein shakes. Struggled in the hospital post surgery too. If you like the savory stuff better than stock up on chicken and beef broth. I got mine from my surgeon's office so it was really high protein. But you can get it at the grocery store and add an unflavored protein powder to it as well. And make sure your surgeon knows your preference before you go in to the hospital. They might be able to accomodate your preference.

    As for the "tough love" you got here, funny as it was, it's true. These are permanent changes and as soon as you get decide to accept what it is and work with it, the easier it will be for you in the long run. I've been doing this 3 years now and the folks I see on here who struggle the most are the ones who seem to obsess over what they can't have. They feel deprived. That mind set makes it harder. So I will add my own version of suck it up. At my house the phrase was for the kids and is now for the grandkids "it was your choice, so deal with it".
  • I am day 6 of my 2 week liquid diet. Can have Protein shake, broth, sf jello, sf ice pops. and diet V8 juice. I am also having trouble with sugar free, my mouth has a horrible taste all the time. I made a pot of soup today. I ate only the broth and it was so good. I have lost 9 lbs so that makes it all worthwhile.
  • funfatfriend
    funfatfriend Posts: 57 Member
    I think it's amazing how all the doc's have such different versions of pre-op diets. I am lucky mine was only 10 days :D I am excited about tomorrow. I appreciate you all. This group has been a wonderful source of information and inspiration! Thank you so much!

  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    Good luck tomorrow.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You'll rock it tomorrow! Then it'll be Walk and Sip, Walk and Sip!
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    Thaeda wrote: »
    Wow just 5 days!!! Exciting!! Trust me... eating so little will be LOTS easier after surgery. Good for you for hanging in there!! I was super lucky--- I only had to do a liquid diet for all of 3-4 days pre-op. That was it. I do not know how some people manage--- 2, 3, even 4 weeks pre-op!! ACK!! But you are at the home stretch!!

    This is so true. I only had to do a few days liquid diet before surgery too. Our go to sayings in my house are " You'll be alright" and "Walk it off". When I hear this from my husband or kids I know to stop whining and Suck it Up

  • Shoefly318
    Shoefly318 Posts: 69 Member
    Good luck tomorrow!