First Time Eating Out Post-Op

I am a little over 4 weeks post-op and ate out at a restaurant tonight for the very first time since surgery. My dear friend did a search on her phone for a place that served eggs at night as I knew that I could digest them well. I ordered a ham and cheese omlette (off the lighter or senior menu). I chose the fresh fruit as a side dish instead of the carbs. I cut 1/3 of the omlette off and didn't quite finish it. I tried a few berries but they didn't sit well and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom and spit them up. It was very comforting to have a good friend with me tonight. She even remembered that she was the last person to eat out with me shortly before I started the 2 week fast. I am going to a Christmas party in a restaurant next weekend where there likely won't be eggs served but I plan to order soup, seafood or an appetizer. Meat still doesn't sit well with me.
In the last week I attended two Christmas Banquet potlucks and had a very good time. For the first time ever IT WASN'T ALL ABOUT THE FOOD. Perhaps it's the euphoric high that I'm still on shortly after surgery but it was nice to not be so fixated on the food and what else I wanted more of. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and support along my journey. :)


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Fantastic! I like the fact that you are learning new strategies for the realities of our new lives in the old world. Good for you!
  • weeziebeth
    weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
    So happy for you! It sounds like all the work you put in pre-op is paying off in buckets and buckets! I love following your journey and am excited for where it will take you.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    Good for you. You are making good choices. Keep it up!
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Way to go! It sounds like you are really kicking it and keeping a good mind set.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Nice job with planning and making good choices!
  • Shoefly318
    Shoefly318 Posts: 69 Member
    You are doing great thinking ahead and making good choices
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks for all of the positive feedback, comments and encouragement everyone. :)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    edited December 2014
    Great job. We eat out all the time and I have found it gets, easier and easier as time goes bye. The biggest hurdle was convincing the others at the table that I really didn't need the app, or salad, and that they should order normally. I am not on a "Diet" and am not uncomfortable with the nachos on the table. I actually ordered everything I wanted and am happy to be here enjoying the company. If I want a nacho, I will take one (same with Tomato and Mozerella!). It's a different mindset then most are used too concerning weightloss.

    I have, however, gievn up the the fight with the servers and accept a glass of water (which I wil not be drinking). They seem to get real nervous unless they see a glass by each diner.
  • imboswell
    imboswell Posts: 104 Member
    LOL I have to laugh about the water thing. I always order the glass of water that I am not going to drink and my husband always drinks half of it because he doesn't want it to look bad that I made them give me water. It has become easier to eat out now. At first I used to always feel bad that I only ate a couple of bites then asked for a to go container. The waiters would always be like was it okay or can I get you something else to try. I always just tell them it was delicious and I can't wait to have it for lunch tomorrow.
  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    I had my first dining out last night - it was getting late so we ended up at a popeye's chicken. We sat inside, and the kids had chicken strips, hubby a 4 piece, and they had their sides. I had red beans, no rice. It was a sight, all this chicken and biscuits in front of them...and I had a bowl of beans. I did get about an ounce or so of chicken from my hubby to try - dipped in the beans for extra moisture. No skin...major feat!
  • pcoppock
    pcoppock Posts: 140 Member
    My first dinner out was sushi. I ordered a few pieces of sashimi and ended up taking half of it home, but it was so tasty.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    In year's past I would not have even contemplated taking something home, now it's common. That $17.95 dinner plate actually becomes a $9 dinner and a $9 lunch.
  • Living4me123
    Living4me123 Posts: 52 Member
    Eating out and parties to me now is a social activity and not all about the food. It is a nice positive change! I have been out with friends and family early on after surgery having only broth. Hubby had a bit of a problem with me eating next to nothing, but that is his issue
  • goodlife1206
    goodlife1206 Posts: 42 Member
    At one month out I went to a Christmas party. I am also gluten intolerant, so there is limited choices for me at a party or restaurant usually. I ate a a little cheese and a little turkey meatball. I had a few things on my plate that I did not intend to eat. People really don't spend much time watching what others are doing. I have also ate at a restaurant a couple times, either soup, or a fish entree. I am glad to hear it gets easier.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. It was nice tonight at home to have a piece of baked Tilapia and green beans for dinner. I felt like I was having a real meal for the first time in a long time. It sounds like soup, fish or eggs are the best choices restaurant wise in early recovery. :smile:
    I have also learned that it's not all about the food anymore and that is something very new for me. It truly is about the people. What a great gift that is.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Went out for a pre-christmas dinner with friends last night. 3 couples, two of us have had WLS. Vincent's Clam Bar and Italian Restaurant in Carle Place NY. WOW!

    Over 2.5 hours I tasted almost 1100 calories of food (also brought home a truck load). Here's the kicker; Logged everything into MFP (best match and portion sizes available) and stayed UNDER my daily calorie goal (after exercise). Fried Calamari w/maranara, Fried Fresh Mozerella, Special Pizza, Meatball, Shrimp and Talapia, Spinach, Tiaramasu, Creme Brule, Bourbon. Ate small amounts of everything.

    Felt completely natural - ate what I wanted and left not feeling over stuffed. Up this morning and back to normal. In years past I would have consumed 5x as much food and had nothing for home!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Out of curiosity (since Im not from that area), what is a Special pizza?!?
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    The pizza was a specialty appitizer. Fresh thin crust (thin) with fresh mozerella in water as the cheese. Eating appitiers like this is a challange as you need to get portion sizes logged into MFP as best as you can to be as accurate as possible with calorie counts.

    I'm getting pretty good at it and my weight has stayed very, very stable.