...Is It Just Me or Do You Get COLD All The Time?



  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    Oh God yes. In full disclosure, my family has iron and B12 absorption issues so I've always been either very cold or very hot, no in between.

    I went up north to visit the family for Thanksgiving (I live in Florida) and I fell in love with the chemical hand/foot warmers. But then again I brought out the electric blanket when we dipped below 65F, so I may not be the best judge :smiley:
  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    Yep! I can't say I was hot before, but never cold like I am now! Happened about 11-12 days post op. I was freezing, sent my hubby a message asking when he was coming home so his body heat could warm the bed! I've been sleeping with fuzzy socks and that is such a no-no. We usually slept with a fan on and window cracked. I'm cold and he's still warm.

    I too am hoping this means I tolerate hot summers better.

    Mango- yep, for me it's my dad. Where's your coat? In the car dad.... Now, I'm wearing them!
  • dej923
    dej923 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh my, I can't get warm this season! I live in Phoenix! It's strange...
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    It's good to know I'm not alone with being cold all the time, and sitting on my hands trying to warm them up.
  • nkac1980
    nkac1980 Posts: 24 Member
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm 5 weeks out from surgery. I live in Manitoba, Canada which borders Minnesota so our winters are fairly similar. I've lost 67 pounds since February and have really noticed a difference in how cold I feel. It's going to be a chilly winter without the added insulation. lol. Brrr. :)
  • juliebccs
    It took losing 119 pounds to understand what my skinny husband had always complained of. Our town is cold!!!!! In fact I even wore a jacket in Thailand recently,,,only once but still.