Is there a way to fix adjustment issues

Wantingtolose1 Posts: 139 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
Myfitnesspal is set on sedentary and I eat back whatever the fitbit adjustment amount is.
The only time I have received a negative adjustment is when I left my fitbit at home for some of the day so I only totalled about 3000 steps for the day.
Today I did 6050 steps and received a adjustment of -28. This just seems wrong to me as there have been days that I have taken less steps then this and received a positive adjustment. I don't care about the calories im losing I just want to make sure the fitbit is working correctly which I don't think it is. Is there a way I can fix it?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The device said 6050 steps - and your Fitbit account did too?

    And since you are talking calories, obviously what you burned is more important than steps.

    How many calories did Fitbit say you burned?

    And on MFP on that adjustment line, there is an "i" for more info to show what MFP has received from Fitbit regarding burn up to that point.

    Does it match?

    Also, you could have a lot of steps and be more lazy for rest of the day. People have done races in the morning, gotten decent number of steps, then sat around much lazier than normal for 16 hrs because dead tired worn out. Wouldn't get normal adjustment amount.
  • Wantingtolose1
    Wantingtolose1 Posts: 139 Member
    device and app plus my fitness pal said the 6050 steps. Just went back into it now fitbit calories burned were 1595 and my fitness pal projected was 1669. So I actually lost 74 calories in the end. What confuses me is other days I have done 4000 steps and got calories added so I don't understand why with 6050 steps through the day calories would be taken away. I know if you are active in the morning and fitbit gives you extra calories and then your lazy the rest of the day they go away but I always sync at night and its been taken from my sedentary maintenance calories. not from extra calories.

    Seems to be back to working as normal again today so ill see how it goes.

    thanks for your help
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Again, steps by themselves are meaningless, because the math is done with calories.

    So it sounds like MFP received the same calorie burn Fitbit was showing? You gave the projected, but it states what it received too, besides projected the math is done with.
    Through the day, always compare the Fitbit reported number if you want to confirm if Fitbit synced to MFP correctly.

    Steps come in to play to calculate calories, and you could have a bunch more shuffle steps, compared to fewer hard steps. It can tell the difference and give different calorie values. Or the device road in different spot.
  • Wantingtolose1
    Wantingtolose1 Posts: 139 Member
    Okay thanks so much for taking the time to reply. The thing you said about the different types of steps and different calorie burns make sense. I'm understanding how it works a lot better now. Thanks