Exercise challenges?

lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
Hey guys.

Just finished up with a 'lose 20 by Christmas' group (though I think it was a different, smaller group than the one many of you were involved with as I don't see any familiar faces?).

Every week I posted an exercise challenge for people to take part in if they wanted. It wasn't anything fancy, mostly just gradually increasing the amount of time you spent moving each week to get people more active. Towards the end I started adding in extra things like 'run or walk x amount of miles' and such.

As an example, a challenge might be something like
  • Exercise for 5 days, minimum 30 minutes each time (150minutes)
  • Exercise for a total of 180 minutes (get that extra 30 wherever and whenever you like)

Members post each day (or in one long post at the end of the week if you prefer) with what they've done, how long it took them, and how close they are to goal. For example:
Sun 28/12: 40minute run, 25minute walk

Total: 65
To goal: 115

Days: 1/5

The challenges will get progressively more demanding as we go on (more minutes, going from 5 to 6 days a week, bonus mileage stuff etc etc)

Would people be interested in me doing that here? Just a bit of extra accountability with working out, really. And a sense of achievement from hitting arbitrary goals :P


  • dridings74
    dridings74 Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like a great idea to me. Anything that holds me accountable for putting in the work always motivates me.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    I think this is a good idea but I would also like to see challenges that we make sure can include everyone. Some might need to start out a little slower as not to get overwhelmed. In our last group we just offered the challenge of doing something and members posted their own personal challenge and how they did weekly.
  • rach84reid
    Sounds good to me. I'm in x
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Sounds great! I'm in
  • AshleyNicolePedigo
    Sounds good to me as well. Love the accountability!!
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    Hi, I'm new and this sounds like a great idea!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    I think this is a good idea but I would also like to see challenges that we make sure can include everyone. Some might need to start out a little slower as not to get overwhelmed. In our last group we just offered the challenge of doing something and members posted their own personal challenge and how they did weekly.

    I think the first one was a total of 150 minutes throughout the week without any particular number of days having to be hit, and stuff like walking to the store DOES count. Moving for a grand total of 2.5 hours per week is do-able for pretty much everyone. People who really honestly don't think they can move for 2.5 hours in one week are still welcome to try and might surprise themselves! After all, it is a challenge.

    Also, like, saying '5 days at 30 minutes a day' as part of the challenge doesn't mean 'you have to go workout for 30 minutes straight'. If you go on a 15 minute walk and then later on do something ELSE (or another walk! Whatever!) for 15 minutes that counts. It's just a total of 30 minutes in the day. SOMETHING THAT, as seen below, doesn't even appear until week 3.

    And it doesn't ramp up suddenly either. Here's a rundown (mostly from memory, so er...) of all of them from the Christmas group:
    1. Move for 150 minutes
    2. Move for 165 minutes
    3. Move for 180 minutes, get in a total of 5 days with 30 mins each
    4. Move for 210 minutes, get in 5 days with 30 mins each
    5. Move for 225 minutes, get in 5 days with 30 mins each
    6. Move for 240 minutes, 5 days x45
    7. Move for 255 minutes, 5 days x45
    8. Move for 270 minutes, 6 days x30, do something out of your comfort zone
    9. Move for 285 minutes, 6 days x30, 5 miles run/walk OR 15 miles bike
    10. Move for 300 minutes, 6 days x45, 10/30 miles
    11. Move for 315 minutes, 6 days x45, 15/45 miles
    12. Move for 240 minutes, 5 days x30, 10/30 miles (Christmas week, less activity)

    Although I'll probably tweak it a bit because we have 4 months and not 3. But y'know, if it ain't broke etc etc. The miles and stuff were only ever bonus point rounds anyway and not compulsory.

    Of course, you're welcome to start the 'do whatever' challenge up again here, too! By all means. We have a LOT of people. I'll join you and set myself extra targets. You have my sword.

    Equally, if someone wants to set up a SERIOUSLY "I'm gonna kick your butt and you're going to hate me" challenge then please do. I'll join you, as well. You have my axe.

    But I'll just say if I can get even ONE person from "I don't think I could do 150 minutes! That seems really hard! I'll give it a shot though" to "holy smokes I was active for over 300 minutes this week" in 4 months I'll be a happy bun.

    Given that I have 4 months this time, it might be a slightly more gradual progression. Maybe building up from 4 days. Dunno. I'll work it out.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    edited December 2014
    That was a lot longer than I intended it to be. tl;dr
    • This one is a gradual progression over the course of several months. The aim is to get you more and more active, no matter what your activity of choice is, but everyone is working towards the same goal and we're accountable to each other for reaching that.
    • Happy for someone else to be in charge of an 'easier' challenge with less 'set' goals. That's cool.
    • Also happy for someone else to do a super duper hard version for more active peeps. Go for it. At this point I do 8-10 hours a week even with my rheumatoid arthritis (and it's winter now, it takes me 2 hours to get out of bed because my joints don't work) so my own challenge is waaaaay easy for me now. If there are any similarly active members around here that wanna REALLY GO FOR IT then let's do it.
    • If you don't think you can, try anyway. No harm no foul, and all that.

    Edit: wow, Easter is super early this year. Turns out we do, in fact, only have 12 weeks again. My bad. Last year it was the end of April which would have been more like 14/15 weeks. Oops.
  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »
    I think this is a good idea but I would also like to see challenges that we make sure can include everyone. Some might need to start out a little slower as not to get overwhelmed. In our last group we just offered the challenge of doing something and members posted their own personal challenge and how they did weekly.

    I think the first one was a total of 150 minutes throughout the week without any particular number of days having to be hit, and stuff like walking to the store DOES count. Moving for a grand total of 2.5 hours per week is do-able for pretty much everyone. People who really honestly don't think they can move for 2.5 hours in one week are still welcome to try and might surprise themselves! After all, it is a challenge.

    Also, like, saying '5 days at 30 minutes a day' as part of the challenge doesn't mean 'you have to go workout for 30 minutes straight'. If you go on a 15 minute walk and then later on do something ELSE (or another walk! Whatever!) for 15 minutes that counts. It's just a total of 30 minutes in the day. SOMETHING THAT, as seen below, doesn't even appear until week 3.

    And it doesn't ramp up suddenly either. Here's a rundown (mostly from memory, so er...) of all of them from the Christmas group:
    1. Move for 150 minutes
    2. Move for 165 minutes
    3. Move for 180 minutes, get in a total of 5 days with 30 mins each
    4. Move for 210 minutes, get in 5 days with 30 mins each
    5. Move for 225 minutes, get in 5 days with 30 mins each
    6. Move for 240 minutes, 5 days x45
    7. Move for 255 minutes, 5 days x45
    8. Move for 270 minutes, 6 days x30, do something out of your comfort zone
    9. Move for 285 minutes, 6 days x30, 5 miles run/walk OR 15 miles bike
    10. Move for 300 minutes, 6 days x45, 10/30 miles
    11. Move for 315 minutes, 6 days x45, 15/45 miles
    12. Move for 240 minutes, 5 days x30, 10/30 miles (Christmas week, less activity)

    Although I'll probably tweak it a bit because we have 4 months and not 3. But y'know, if it ain't broke etc etc. The miles and stuff were only ever bonus point rounds anyway and not compulsory.

    Of course, you're welcome to start the 'do whatever' challenge up again here, too! By all means. We have a LOT of people. I'll join you and set myself extra targets. You have my sword.

    Equally, if someone wants to set up a SERIOUSLY "I'm gonna kick your butt and you're going to hate me" challenge then please do. I'll join you, as well. You have my axe.

    But I'll just say if I can get even ONE person from "I don't think I could do 150 minutes! That seems really hard! I'll give it a shot though" to "holy smokes I was active for over 300 minutes this week" in 4 months I'll be a happy bun.

    Given that I have 4 months this time, it might be a slightly more gradual progression. Maybe building up from 4 days. Dunno. I'll work it out.

  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    I really llike the idea of setting new goals each week!
    I'm definitely in!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I'll join in
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm in.
  • whytepalmer
    Count me in!
  • ahaar1
    ahaar1 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in!
  • Jbledsoe42
    Jbledsoe42 Posts: 74 Member
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Sounds good, I like the idea of anyone adding any challenge they want. My concern was I did not want someone who was not ready to commit to a harder challenge to feel they were not included. So no matter what fitness level you are at there is a challenge for you. I'm all about including everyone. lol This looks good..I'm in

  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in. I was just telling a friend we needed to start doing fitness challenges again. We were doing challenges such as, do 5 jumping jacks/push-ups/sit-ups/lunges/squats and add 5 each day. Shorter ones seem to be easier for me to manage and stick with. If you get too far behind on a longer challenge, you can find yourself saying forget about it.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I'm in :)
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Zx14chick wrote: »
    I'm in. I was just telling a friend we needed to start doing fitness challenges again. We were doing challenges such as, do 5 jumping jacks/push-ups/sit-ups/lunges/squats and add 5 each day. Shorter ones seem to be easier for me to manage and stick with. If you get too far behind on a longer challenge, you can find yourself saying forget about it.

    Ooh adding stuff like "do squats this week" is an ace idea! I'll try and work something like that in as a bonus round maybe ;)
  • collinsmom10
    collinsmom10 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in I love the idea!