New Mom of a Toddler

Hi ladies!

I am a mother of a beautiful almost three year old girl.

I work from home.

I am a vegetarian trying to make a shift to completely vegan.

I enjoy kickboxing and dancing around like an idiot for exercise.

The name is Sam.

I am completely random and scatterbrained most of the time.

I am about the most loyal person I know to everyone else, but have serious issues with just being loyal to myself. (that doesn't sound weird or schizophrenic in any way, does it?)

I had a previous MFP account, but being that it was ancient, I decided to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Looking for some daily loggers for friends.

Oh and I am an awesome list maker. ^^^


  • skeltonblues
    skeltonblues Posts: 45 Member
    Hi there I'm in the same boat I have a three yr old daughter and a ten yr old son so time to drop 40 lbs by June for my sister in laws wedding being matron of honor front and center I have to do this for myself and put me first for a change.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    Hello I have a 3 year old boy and 7 year old girl just come back after taking time off for Christmas ready with the plan of les mills combat :D I also love list making and making lists of lists haha!
  • GreenGoddess0716
    GreenGoddess0716 Posts: 27 Member
    @ Skelton - We have about the same amount to get rid of. :D

    @charlotte66 - I am awesome at making list. I have this issue with making a list, doing some of it, deciding I don't like that list anymore and making a new one. :p
  • MrsOlson1006
    MrsOlson1006 Posts: 90 Member
    I have a 3yo boy and TTC number two. I need to lose 40-50 lbs before docs will treat me for infertility. Need to do this! :neutral_face:
  • GreenGoddess0716
    GreenGoddess0716 Posts: 27 Member
    I soooo want another one, but hubby is wishy-washy right now. He wants another, but is a worry-wart. And honestly I would really like to get back to a normal weight before TTC to prevent any issues that may arise from being overweight.