open diaries and everyday loggers!

Hi all!

I absolutely LOVE mfp and think it's quite possibly the best app ever! However, I only have a few family members/friends on here who never log what they are eating. I think it is so much more effective if we can see each other's diaries as makes it more interesting plus gives us food ideas! Anyone on here log on a regular basis like me?



  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    I do, and my diary is open, but I am old , have spent last 18 months on maintenance and invariably cook from scratch with real ingredients. You are welcome to have a look but your info is closed so that's not very encouraging to prospective new friends/supporters!
  • My info becomes open once i'm added! Just looking for a few friendly mfp fans who log daily and want to continue a healthy eating lifestyle....
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    Just messaged you Elly- its not open!
  • Can u not see my diary? It is set so friends can so u should b able to see it!
  • Can u not see my diary? It is set so friends can so u should b able to see it!
  • Ok.....think it should b sorted now. What a palava!!! Happy new year all :)
  • Umekochan
    Umekochan Posts: 9 Member
    My log is a mess as I like to cook my own things from scratch but I'm getting better at it (just found the add your own recipe/food bit). Love some inspiration though!
  • elliemcc11
    elliemcc11 Posts: 9 Member
    Another Ellie here :)

    Feel free to add me - I've been rubbish at logging my foods in the past but want to get better. Helps to have people encouraging you :)

    And I try my best to cook from scratch and have created a couple of recipes.
  • I defo think seeing people diaries and having consistency on here with the logging helps! For me if i know there are others looking at my diary i am more careful about what i eat!!
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Elly :D my diary is open if you want some ideas!! Also feel free to add me as a friend, after all you can never have too many!! o:) x
  • Brill!!
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    I log in (and log! and post!) every single day. Diary is of course open to friends. Feel free to add me - that goes for anyone :smile:
  • stevew_68
    stevew_68 Posts: 126 Member
    I think mine is open to friends.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    I defo think seeing people diaries and having consistency on here with the logging helps! For me if i know there are others looking at my diary i am more careful about what i eat!!

    Well I think your success and diary is inspirational!
  • Thanks sussexbythesea
  • I do try to log everyday with honest logging!!
  • churchtown67
    churchtown67 Posts: 11 Member
    I have just started - logged yesterday - new years resolution and all that . Please add me I need a proverbial kick up just working my way round app I have had for some months but not really looked at
  • Keep up the logging!
  • KatM__
    KatM__ Posts: 41 Member
    Mine's open to friends and I log my food every day. Anyone can feel free to add me. :)
  • ckm1962
    ckm1962 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, i have just discovered the forums, been using MFP on my phone, was not aware there were forums ! I have set my diary to open for friends !