
infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
Share what you'd like! Name, age, location, and goals might be a good place to start!


  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I'm Cat, 33, located in Northern VA. I have been a runner for the last few years, recreationally of course, but ran my first half marathon November 15, 2014! Already scheduled to do the Richmond Half next Nov. 14, 2015 and am planning on doing at least one other. Looking to do a full in 2016! :-)
  • Hello! I'm Candace, 18, I'm from the heart of Missouri (seriously, I'm smack dab in the middle of it). If you want me to be completely honest with you, I have always hated running with a passion but yet have always been extremely jealous of people who are very athletic. I want to be a runner, I want to be able to run a marathon by the time I'm 24. I'm really excited about this though! :D
  • Hi thanks for having me in the group! I'm Cindy and I'm 31. I am located in New Hampshire. I have been a runner for about a year and half now. I have done a handful of 5ks . I want to do longer distance racing in the spring and summer. I'm looking forward to being part of this group. Nice to meet you all!
  • Jackie80taylor
    Jackie80taylor Posts: 76 Member
    i'm Jackie, 34 from Birmingham, UK. I started running a few years ago, completed 2 half marathons one in 2012 & one in 2013. since the race for life 5k last June I haven't done anything! AT ALL!!! its time to get back on track and I have signed up for a 10k in May so need to get back at it.
  • I turned 50 this year and decided I've spent 1/2 of a century being pretty much a couch potato with regards to exercise. I don't like exercise. But I do like being healthy. So, my goal is to move. I love to hike and 7 miles a week sounds very doable.

    New Years wishes for all to gain in health!!
  • emcatev
    emcatev Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2014
    HI all, Emma, 34, only joined MFP yesterday, haven't quite figured it all out yet, but I like this goal, I think its something that I can reasonably achieve. I run a bit, more so on the treadmill but trying to get out onto the roads; hope to do a few 10k s comfortably this year, fingers crossed :)
  • fitandsexy71
    fitandsexy71 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn, 43, California. I want to get active again and this sounded like a great place to start and to get encouragement/accountability.
  • kkcoker3
    kkcoker3 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy New Years Eve! I'm Kelly from Georgia. I just started a walk/run schedule. My goal is to be able to run 6 miles by the end of 2015.
  • swwillis
    swwillis Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I'm Shayne from North Carolina. I'm 47 with a very energetic five year old son! I ran my first 5K in July of this year and it felt great! I always wanted to become a runner! But now I have been working out but not running. I think this group sounds like a great way to get motivated and try another 5K in 2015. Hey, I have got to be able to keep up with my kid! LOL
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hi I am Marie from ontario, I have never been a runner but would like to be. I enjoy walking so I know the 7 miles a week should be good for me and I am hoping by the end of the year I am running at least once a week a 5 mike run.
  • steffy5
    steffy5 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I am Chris from cold pa I like to walk and run but haven't done it for awhile need to get back on the boat but 7 miles in a week sounds doable you can add me steffy5 thanks for this group
  • SharonR1972
    SharonR1972 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm Sharon from Georgia. I'm 42, and I am on the second day of week 1 in the Couch to 5K program. I am hoping to run a marathon before the end of 2015.
  • blackgold2844
    blackgold2844 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I am Laura from New Jersey. I am 55 years old. I have so enjoyed running especially with my dog. I have done 5k's in the past but have had my life get in the way, so I am planning to run a 5k in May therefore I have a lot of work to do . I like to have to be accountable so this challenge will be perfect for me. Thank you.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Kristin in Michigan. Although I wasn't the strongest runner, I was a runner. Tore my ACL in September at a mud run and have surgery planned for spring. Need to keep moving. For now it is only walking since the knee goes backwards and sideways. Have tried to get in some jogs but ouch. Off to buy new shoes to see if it helps. Thanks for the motivation to be consistent!
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Hi! Kellyann in NJ here. I'm 35 years old and a single mom to a VERY active 6 year old! I have done a few 5K's in years past of walking and running combos, and finally completed one running the whole way with my brother last Easter. After a knee injury and a lot of excuses, I let it all go, and now I am committed to getting back to it and running another one by the end of this year and being a good example for my son. My new treadmill is being delivered on Wednesday and I can't wait to switch between that and being outside!!! What a great group!
  • angelbinus
    angelbinus Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm Angelina from Malaysia. I want to start running and I think this group is a great platform for me to do it. I get to run and the best part is I know somewhere, at the other side of the globe, I have new friends running with me!
  • asahhar
    asahhar Posts: 1 Member
    Ashley from Colorado. I'm 27. I started running in 2013 but sometimes lack the motivation to be consistent. Hopimg this group keeps me going!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Glad to have you all here! Hope we can keep each other motivated to reach all of our goals :-)
  • Myselvein2012
    Myselvein2012 Posts: 37 Member
    I am Susan from Seattle. I am starting over on training for a 5K. This challenge will be helpful. Thanks!
  • chelm1222
    chelm1222 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm Chandalynn from Missouri. I've tried running a few times, but have never been able to keep with it whether it be weather or injury, but this year I'm not going to allow myself to make any excuses. My goal is to run my first 5K this summer.