My Easter Goal

lildebf Posts: 3 Member
Current weight: 156
Easter Goal: 136
Ultimate Goal: 120


  • corkienee
    corkienee Posts: 4 Member
    I have almost the exact same plan. Id like to lose 20 by Easter!
    Cw 160
    Gw 140
  • Current weight: 196 lbs (88.5 kg)
    Easter Goal: 176 lbs (80 kg.)
    Ultimate Goal: 154 lbs (70 kg.)
  • Current Weight 161.5
    Easter Goal 141.5
    Ultimate Goal 135
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Start MFP weight: September 18th 299.7
    Start weight for Challenge - 279
    Goal Weight for Challenge - 259
    Ultimate Goal Weight:160
    Lbs to Lose: 119
  • LBP61
    LBP61 Posts: 10 Member
    Current weight 150
    Goal weight 130

  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Starting MFP: 225
    Current weight ( today): 200
    Easter goal: 180
    Ultimate goal: 150 maybe 140
  • Start MFP weight: August 2014 87.2 kg
    Start weight for Challenge - 82.1 but 2 kg is just December :)
    Goal Weight for Challenge - 70-72 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight:70
    kg to loose: 12
  • healthybalance83
    healthybalance83 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting MFP weight 230
    Easter goal weight 210
  • BethR1996x
    BethR1996x Posts: 21 Member
    Mfp starting weight - 144lbs
    Challenge start weight - 132lbs
    Goal weight - 112lbs
    Goodluck everyone xx
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    Good luck everyone!!
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    MFP start weight - 190
    Challenge start w- 175.4
    Easter goal weight:150
    Final goal weight- 140
  • flyingfiddler
    flyingfiddler Posts: 1 Member
    Current 211
    Easter goal 191
    Final goal 178
  • SantanaHice
    SantanaHice Posts: 7 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 250 (April 2014)
    Current weight: 206
    Easter Goal: 185
    Ultimate Goal: 165 (July 2015)
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I hope it's okay that I joined this group a little late and smaller goal

    Start weight: 199 (6th January 2014)
    Current weight: 142.67 lbs
    Jan goal weight: 138
    Ultimate goal: 125

    Thoughts: So far I'm sort of stack for 6 months. I am very ok with what I achieve in last year I did what I planed - but I've done it by summer and since than nothing change . I didn't lost -gain any weight since August . Ok except how much I can run. I lost my weight thanks to running and cutting normal bread . I went literally from couch to 10-17 km and lost over 50lbs.

    For this year I would like to go under 60kg and I want to be one person in 1% of human population able to say I run marathon ;) Good luck everyone!!.
  • conetah24
    conetah24 Posts: 45 Member
    Start weight today 265 :neutral_face:
    April goal weight 240

    Overall goal weight 205.