Diet before surgery...

Hey everyone ... new to the group :) My name is Jamie and I'm a single mom to 4 children... I have struggled my entire life with being over weight and I've had enough! I will be having a VSG in either June/July and am starting to change my eating habits but I don't even know where to start! HELP!


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Once your surgery is done your diet will be high protein, low carbs/fats. Making changes now is a really smart thing to do and by changing to fresh, lean cuts of meat/poultry/fish and vegtables, you are helping your kids to be eating healthier as well. If you add starches (bread, pasta, rice, etc) back into your diet post op, it should be whole grain versions. Frankly at 3.5 years out, I eat very little in the way of those things. There's just not enough room once the protein is in. My main carb is Wheat Thins because of the fiber.

    You might also want to start really paying attention to what a serving is. I was amazed to see a serving was 8 Wheat Thins for example! I still weigh/measure/count everything just to be sure I am having just one serving. And this is really important for carbs as they just don't give that "full feeling" that protein does.

    The other thing I found post op is that preprocessed foods really don't fit into my food plan well. I rate food by how many calories compared to protein and most preprocessed food has high calories but not enough protein to make it worth eating. I now make my own soup to boost the protein and keep the calories and fat low. I eat a lot of broiled or grilled meats and a little vegtable for most dinners and salad with 4 ounces of meat on it for lunch. Again, fresh stuff we cook ourselves.

    And lastely, but really very important is the water. I still struggle to get all my water in each day, I simply forget to drink it. So get yourself in the habit (if you aren't already) of drinking at least 64 ounces per day. It is so important to the weight loss process.

    Hang in there and good luck with everything Jamie. This is a great tool and honestly, the very best thing I have ever done for myself.

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited December 2014
    Does your bariatric surgeon belong to a Program of Excellence? I believe that this certification includes a solid pre-op program as a requirement. I went to my initial education session and they gave me a good introduction to the program, and the pre-op diet rules to follow. If you are not part of a CoE program then you may have to educate yourself. I would read a ton of general nutrition info here at MFP (especially the sexy pants thread, search for it) to understand portion sizes, general nutritional rules, etc.

    My pre-op program was:

    1500 calories
    100 g protein
    64 ounces of water
    Start an exercise program.

    Following those rules from April to my surgery date in September took me from 420 to 320 pounds and I believe got me a very easy recovery fro surgery as I was in pretty good physical shape.

    All of the pre-op work is geared (in my program) to teach the behaviors and habits needed for post-surgery success. Hit your program hard and get yourself as much succes as you can grab!

    Also, read everything here and find some friends at all stages of the process. By here, I mean the groups: sleever's, VSGers, and Gastric ByPass/VSGers/LapBand. Those are the three most active gastric surgery groups. That way you can see a bunch of diaries and see the real stuff people go through. The more prepared you can be, the better!

    Good luck and let us know how we can help!

  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    pitgirl28 wrote: »
    Hey everyone ... new to the group :) My name is Jamie and I'm a single mom to 4 children... I have struggled my entire life with being over weight and I've had enough! I will be having a VSG in either June/July and am starting to change my eating habits but I don't even know where to start! HELP!

    I'm glad you are here to calculate your protein needs multiply your current weight times 0.3. Unless your Dr. has a plan you can use MFP enter your weight and select a two pound loss plan, this will set up a good goal for you.

    A week or so before surgery you can modify your diet plan to make your body ready for the fasting surgery creates.
  • pitgirl28
    pitgirl28 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you SO MUCH everyone for your kind words!!! And advice!!! Can anyone reccomend good HIGH protein foods?? I'm sort of a picky eater but I am trying new things... found out today I am NOT a fan of hummus LOL
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    Start reading labels and choose higher proteins.
    Fish, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, skinless chicken breast, quinoa, nuts, and other meats.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    You can get high protein pasta, (most of it just tastes like pasta to me) and I keep P28 protein bread and flats in the freezer. They are not substitutes for unprocessed high protein foods, but I like having them around so that I never have to sacrifice protein for a 1/2 sandwich or quesadilla or pizza. I use the flats with roast chicken and a bit of cheese, or tomato, basil and feta. Once you have the surgery, you'll find there IS a trade off. You 'll have very little room and have to make protein count! Last night I had a chunk of salmon on a cedar plank for like 21g of protein. I also start my day with a scoop of why in my coffee for a protein "latte".
  • readallday
    readallday Posts: 173 Member
    I'm super picky too. I stick with chicken/turkey, beef and pork. If I am making hamburger helper for my daughter, i pull out a few ounces of the ground beef for me to eat plain or with melted cheese. I use my crockpot a ton to cook roasts. I have found that Dannon 2x protein greek yogurt is a real help too. Look at labels and google high protein foods. You'll find stuff that works for you!