Restarting the program - checking in

I had always planned to lose additional weight at some point after I stopped the program. I've gotten good at maintaining, not so good at losing on my own. So after talking to my dietitian I decided to restart the program and lose this last bit of weight and get to my original goal. Now I am waiting for my physical and intake appt. I'm not sure if I'm crazy or just insanely stubborn to go back on the program to get to this arbitrary weight I picked over a year ago, but I'm doing it. I feel like I never finished and until I do I will always be bothered by it. I figure I'll probably be starting in a week or so, hopefully quickly because I just want to get started and be done as soon as possible.

How is everyone else doing?


  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! Wishing you the best on the last bit. Are you going to go back to all shakes?

    I'm likely to be switching to the Outlook program tomorrow. My insurance coverage is changing drastically on the 1st, and the New Direction labs and doctor visits aren't going to be covered. I've also been eating one meal a day more frequently and am still losing. So, depending on what the nutritionist says tomorrow, I'll probably drink 2 shakes a day and have one meal of my choosing.

    I've lost 80 pounds and have 39 to go, because I changed my weight loss goal too. Of the 80 pounds lost, more than 50 of that has been on the New Direction program.
  • amyc2912
    amyc2912 Posts: 11 Member
    I think it's great that you're getting back into it. I hope when I get close to my goal, I give myself the extra push as well. I still have a ways to go before I get to that point. My last weigh in was the two month point and I was 40 pounds down. I still have many, many more pounds to go. My plan is to lose another 60 on New Direction and then move over to Outlook.
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    What is Outlook? We only have 3 programs at my clinic; New Directions (weight loss), Compass (maintenance) and Quick 20.
  • amyc2912
    amyc2912 Posts: 11 Member
    From what I understand, you eat two New Directions meal and one regular meal each day on Outlook. I think you can loose 1-3 pounds each week on Outlook.
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    amyc2912 wrote: »
    From what I understand, you eat two New Directions meal and one regular meal each day on Outlook. I think you can loose 1-3 pounds each week on Outlook.

    Oh ok, this scenario is a part of our weight loss program. Option 1 = all shakes or Option 2 = shakes + 1 meal. However, it's not a separate program because the meal is still only 200 cal and your food choices are very limited (5 meat choices and 10 veg choices and that's it). Maybe that's the difference.

  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm going to switch back to the New Directions program. I've been doing one (or two) meals a day for a little over a month now. My weight has fluctuated around the same three pound range since. Plateaus are normal, but I'm doing this mostly to protect my body from fatty liver disease damage. And with only 30 more pounds to lose before reaching my ultimate goal, the New Directions program just makes it quicker and easier to lose the weight. It also helps that I learned I can use my pre-tax health spending account money on visits to the center and necessary bloodwork, because of my diagnosis and doctor referral to the program (shakes are still not an allowable expense)
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    I just started New Direction and looked around MFP for a support group in addition to the in person group at the hospital. I know this is an older discussion but thought I could try to get the group discussions going again.

    How are things going for you yellowdaisy3.., amyc2912 and 110toLose?
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    I will be starting in July (I think) at a local hospital in CLE, OH

    Would love to see some recent posts in these threads!

    Julie, where are you located? Can you share your story?

    I'm tempted to buy SpecialK protein shakes and do my own ND program.
    But, I know I wont stick to it!
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't been on MFP in a while. I restarted the program to lose another 20lbs in Jan. I was on the program for about 10 weeks and lost another 24lbs. I'm not doing the program anymore and haven't for a few months now. Now that I am so close to goal weight I'm just focusing on diet, weight lifting and building as much muscle mass as possible in advance of my skin removal surgery. I'll be having the surgery either at the end of the year or beginning of next year. I need to do two surgeries because I have too many areas to do at once.
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    Wow, yellowdaisy! Way to go!

    I go to my ND orientation tomorrow night!
  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in the midst of ND Diet! Just started my second month and down 30 lbs. I needed a jump start! I have previously lost 100 lbs and gained about 60 back with the last pregnancy. I've got 30 lbs to go and am on full meal replacements still. I'd love some company on the journey! ~Mara
  • aquinnahwp11
    aquinnahwp11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Mara- I just began the program today, glad to find someone else on a similar track. My current goal is 25 lbs and my ideal goal is 35. Looking forward to supporting
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone! I have been logging my shakes and waters in but then I forget to check the group messages! I started June 15th on the full meal replacement plan. After 5 weeks I have lost 27 pounds! Yeah! I am not 100% sure what my goal will be since I have been overweight so long I am not sure how I will feel. Going by the BMI charts I needed to lose a little over 1/2 my body at my starting weight to be in the middle of the normal range! I'm 5"3 (shrunk an inch along the way) so normal range says 107-140. Good to see the group getting active again. I promise to check in more often! Good luck to everyone!
  • stepgal2012
    stepgal2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello to message boards! Please be patient with me as I learn the etiquette! I started
    ND on June 1st. And am 27 lbs. down. I am a diabetic and my blood sugar numbers are the best they have been in a very long time. Excited to find a community to journey with!
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Glad you posted here. Congratulations on your progress so far! That is wonderful that your blood sugar numbers are doing so well. Keep it up!
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    keep posting - great motivation!
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    I go for my blood work and EKG on 08/06
    Man, I just want to START.
    But, gotta follow the rules.
    Hopefully I will start shortly after the tests are complete.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Mara- I just began the program today, glad to find someone else on a similar track. My current goal is 25 lbs and my ideal goal is 35. Looking forward to supporting

    How are you doing Aquinnahwp11?
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello to message boards! Please be patient with me as I learn the etiquette! I started
    ND on June 1st. And am 27 lbs. down. I am a diabetic and my blood sugar numbers are the best they have been in a very long time. Excited to find a community to journey with!

    How are you doing "stepgal2012" ?

  • stepgal2012
    stepgal2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Julie....hanging tough! Weighed in today week 15 - 48.9! Pleased with that. How are you?