New Years resolution

shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
Mines are
-to stop eating candy, (I lasted almost a year before relapse, LOL)
-to eat more fruits and less junk

What do you plan to do better with this year, remember the best is yet to come!


  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited December 2014
    Here's mine:

    1) Start heavy lifting and complete Strong Lift 5x5
    2) Complete a Couch 2 5k program before the running challenge at work
    3) Complete a 100k ride on my bike
    4) Lose 45 pounds before September 9th
  • nicnikkinicolette
    1) lose 51 pounds
    2) read 40 books
    3) become more organized
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    In 2015 I will:
    1. Hit and maintain my goal weight
    2. Increase my fitness and endurance levels, especially in cycling
    3. Lower my alcohol consumption
    4. Get married!
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    2) read 40 books
    I need to set a goal to read less and move more! I just finished my 300th book! I read really quick, and hardly watch TV. But time spent reading is not time spent moving my body.

    So... less books and more biking is my first goal!

    Second goal is to finally hit my goal weight of 155#. I'm 20-22# away...

  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    MY GOALS for the yr 2015 are:

    1) lose the last 15 lbs already.... been working on that for a few months now

    2) tone up all over. especially the mid section...

    3) enjoy the rest of my life with my family and friends as a healthy and vibrant person.
  • positive2015
    positive2015 Posts: 64 Member
    My goals for this challenge are
    1- Log my snacks
    2- Exercise daily
    3- lose 5 lbs
  • tmtinak
    You go!! The logging of every single bit of food in MFA has made a big difference for me. Since my phone is always with me, the food diary is so easy to use. I'm always cognizant of adding that little candy bar, or the orange that is mid-morning snack.
    I also use a Fitbit to track all my steps, my exercise, and it interfaces with MFA to track calories, measurements. It's made a big difference for me. When I weighed in this morning I was greeted with 226.0 lbs, which means that I lost 6 pounds this month! That's going to keep me going in 2015! So here's to the both of us having an amazing and successful new year.
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    tmtinak wrote: »
    I also use a Fitbit to track all my steps, my exercise, and it interfaces with MFA to track calories, measurements. It's made a big difference for me.
    I wondered how accurate they were. I guess that would measure overall activity much better than guessing how to log your aerobics class, etc...

  • LMS1230
    My resolutions are:
    1- lose another 40 or so pounds to get to my ideal weight
    2- maintain my weight once I get to it
    3- once the weather gets warmer(spring) to start taking a nightly walk to help with weight loss
    4- try to be an overall better person/mother/wife. I tend to be moody and short tempered. I need to work on that!
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    New Year's Resolutions:

    Long Term Goal for the whole year:
    1. Get down to 170 pounds. (starting with 194 by the end of low weight since starting MFP). I am now back up to 209.
    2. Exercise 3 to 4 days per week.
    3. Stop stress eating.

    Short Term Goal for the length of this challenge:
    1. Get back to Onederland.
    2. Exercise 2 to 3 days per week.
    3. Stop stress eating.
    4. Stop stress eating. :)

  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    edited January 2015
    ChiaGnome wrote: »
    In 2015 I will:
    1. Get married!
    Congrats. When is the wedding?

    My resolutions for 2015
    1. See just how long I can go without fast food (This was on my list last year as only a month and I am now at just over 1 year with no fast food!
    2. Cut out more of the processed junk I am eating (Also on last years and I cut it back by like 75%)
    3. Lose the last 30 or so pounds I need to get to my ultimate goal
    4. Remeber to take my multi-viatamin every day
    5. Run 3 5k's
    6. Complete p90x without skipping a workout

    My goals for this challenge
    1. Make it to the rescue 3 days a week
    2. Get to bed at a decent time so I can get the sleep I should be
    3. Lose 10lbs (last challenge I didnt lose but I did mangage to maintain)
  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    My goals for 2015
    1) run my 3rd half marathon. I am not fast but I want to be able to do another one.
    2) Declutter my home.
    3) Keep Up on my exercise
    4) Lose weight
    5) Be happier

    For this Challenge
    1) Lose 5lbs
    2) With me not having a regular schedule I am going to plan my exercise times as soon as I get my schedule.
    3)Drink Plenty of water.
  • LittleMy2014
    LittleMy2014 Posts: 103 Member
    My goals for this challenge are:

    1. Lose 4lbs. I know this isn't much but I have failed so much in the past few months that I am taking tiny steps towards getting back on track.
    2. Cut down on sugar intake, and cut out chocolate during the week.
    3. Go for a walk every day.

    For 2015, my goals are to lose more weight, declutter and try to get picked to take part in display dances with my Regency Dance group.

    Good luck with all your challenges and goals :)
  • neh979
    neh979 Posts: 18
    My goals for 2015-

    1) to walk 2hrs , 6 days a week till march
    2) to stop eating junk food and control my emotional eating .
    3) to focus more on studies
    4) to maintain my food and personal diary .
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    Mines are
    -to stop eating candy, (I lasted almost a year before relapse, LOL)
    -to eat more fruits and less junk

    What do you plan to do better with this year, remember the best is yet to come! eat slower

    Thanks for sharing. You have giving me some food for thought to make my list better.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I decided to do monthly goals this year, but by Valentine's Day fits in. Mine are:

    1. Bring my lunch at least 4 days during the week (of 5).
    2. Cut out desserts/sweets at least for January (resetting after the holidays).
    3. Get at least 6 hours of sleep/night.
    4. Stick to my planned workout schedule, which includes incorporating at least one day/week of swimming, a regular strength training plan of 3 days/week, and using the winter to improve my bicycling.

    Some of my big goals for the year (I have ones in various other areas of my life too) are to get to my initial goal weight and BF%, to improve my strength (I haven't really set these goals yet, as I have to learn more before I know what's realistic), and to start doing triathlons again. Oh, and to have a decluttered house at the end of the year. That's the least realistic one, but worth a try!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    My goals for 2015:
    • To read The Bible each day
    • To tithe faithfully
    • to log my foods every day
    • To avoid processed foods
    • To avoid soda
    • To exercise at least 5 days a week
    • To lose 70lbs

    My goal for this Challenge is to lose 12lbs.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    My overall goals for 2015 are:
    • Ideally lose 15-20 lbs. but the overall goal is to lose fat and gain muscle so if this means I weigh more, then so be it.

      I will accomplish this by:
      -Body Pump, Stronglifts 5x5, Yoga and some cardio
      -Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily
      -Eating 80% clean and 20% dirty
      -Sleep 7-8 hours a night
      -Track my activities, food, etc with fitbit and MFP

    • Pay down debt.
      I will accomplish this by:
      -Creating a budget and sticking to it
      -Using the snowball method
      -Finding ways to generate income and/or save $

    • Be more organized.
      I will accomplish this by:
      -Setting goals and following through
      -Spending less time on frivolous time wasters
      -Taking it a task/challenge at a time until it becomes a habit and is ingrained
      -Setting timers and calendar reminders
      -Seeking accountability from my family if the above gets ignored

    I would also like to hike more 14ers, run more 5ks, and spend more time with people that I love and cherish.
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    I have decided not to make any this year for I never keep them away so I will just be working on me. New year new me... Nothing written in stone.
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    I love everyones goals. Some of these I may just have to work into mine.

    I know there are a lot of us on here that do hiking, walking, running so I wanted to point out a really cool app. Its called Resqwalk and is free. Its gps based so you just let it run in the background on your phone while you do your exercise and it logs your total miles for the animal rescue/shelter you pick. There is a weekly pot thats split between all the groups based on the total miles logged. Its a great way to also help the animals. Every little bit helps. I log mine for the New York Bully Crew which is the rescue I volunteer with.