Starting over after injury

84wweber Posts: 97 Member
Hey runners! I ran a half marathon at the beginning of November. It was brutal; my training had been sporadic as I had been dealing with Achilles tendonitis. I took November and December off and this week I decided to start over. I'm starting with the Couch 2 5K training program. I used to run (if you can call it that) a comfortable 5 mph, but for the C25K running intervals I'm running 6 mph. I'm hoping at the end of the 9 weeks I'll be able to run the whole 3 miles faster than I used to. What is everyone else doing these days?


  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    I know how hard it can be to rest after an injury! Don't worry, you'll get some of your speed back eventually. I wouldn't push it though, I learned my lesson with that, I really have to listen to my body now and not just what I think I "should" be able to do!

    I'm training for my second half/glass slipper challenge (19.3 miles) at Disney Princess Half marathon in February. This time around training has been much better, I think I have learned to let myself rest more and stop pushing SO much that I hurt myself!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi there! I was considering redoing C25K at a faster running pace to see if it'll help my speed. I'll be watching your progress with interest.
    I'm just running 3x a week, about 5-6K each time. I haven't entered any races but I'm having a good time.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started running a few years ago and the longest I have run was a 10 miler (The Broad Street Run). I just ran a 5K on Jan 1 and didn't do as well as I would have liked and then went out for a 2 mile run on Sun. and had pain in my left lower leg and trouble breathing properly. While the breathing was probably due to my head cold, I decided to work on basic training for a while and am starting back on a 5K training program which I can do on a treadmill if the weather doesn't cooperate and will hopefully build in some strength and speed over the next weeks.