Not new but never been active in here.

I have 150-160 lbs total to lose. I'm looking for motivators and people to just become friends to join me. I feel like if I had someone holding me accountable I will actually stick with it this time. I've attempted to lose weight several times and have struggled with it all my life. I hope you'll join me (:


  • MarissaLaRea
    MarissaLaRea Posts: 21 Member
    It is a lot easier to lose when you actually have a support system. But, I have found that if you don't lose for yourself, then it is easier to just give up and not follow a strict routine. Don't tell yourself that you CAN'T have something or that will just make you want it more. That has been my biggest issue lately. Feel free to add me!
  • I had the same problem - lost some weight but without a the support system on here I gained it all back. Hopefully take 2 with support goes better.
  • i need motivators as well -- feel free to add me! the more the merrier.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome! I was a MFP member for a long time before actually being active in the groups or forums. I wish I had done it sooner. I've found that even when I lapse, I return quicker than I would have before. I guess I avoided it because I didn't think it would help, but it definitely allows me to get stuff off my chest, learn from more experienced and successful members, and forces me to be more accountable.
  • Hey all! I am not super active on the forums, but I am constantly on the app! I have a 135 day streak and going strong! Feel free to add! I need to lose 115 more pounds!
  • J4ylor
    J4ylor Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all, add me! Need motivation :)
  • ash_bly
    ash_bly Posts: 14
    Not super active on the forums, but I would be happy to encourage friends. feel free to add me!
  • Sounds like everyone has the same ideas as I do! It's easy to fall off track without the motivation! My husband runs all the time and works out so hard - he is so determined' but for me I feel like I have to work 100x harder and not be persuaded by his loose diet plan when we go out to eat and drink! Uhhh