Fighting Games

So Persona 4: Arena Ultimax just came out this week. I haven't bought it yet, but likely will over the weekend when some friends come over. The bad part is I also recently bought Arcana Hearts 3, Blazblue: Chronophantasm, and After Night In-birth that was just released on the Japanese store a few months ago. We've got a lot of games we need to try.

Anyway, with all these fighters floating around lately I was curious if anybody else here was as into fighters as me. If so, what are your favorites? Do you prefer 2D or 3D? What's your preferred way to play (fight pad, arcade stick , standard controller)

My all-time favorites are probably Marvel VS Capcom 2, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and Samurai Shodown 2. Current favorites are MK9, USFIV, and Tekken Tag 2.
I really love playing with arcade sticks, but it gets annoying in my circle of friends because some of them hate the arcade stick. It's not so bad with the ones that prefer fight pads because I have 2 wired arcade sticks and 2 wired fight pads so swapping them is easy. But my roommate HAS to use a standard controller and it's always a pain in the assignment to sync and disconnect to swap out when it's his turn.


  • lazydanthaman
    lazydanthaman Posts: 182 Member
    I have always had a place in my heart for fighting games. I remember as early back to playing Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat at the local arcades. The first game to get me really hooked was Virtual Fighter 2 for Sega Saturn. Then it was all over when Tekken 2 released (Wasn't too much of a fan of the first one) and from then on I was a Tekken fan. I am more of a fan of 3D, but I can't take anything away from Capcom or SNK games. My preference when it comes to gaming with fighters is the standard controller. I usually play my fighters on Playstation and the controller works well with games like SFIV and Tekken. I tried playing SFIV with a 360 controller and that didn't work out as well so I would probably prefer a fight pad or arcade stick for the Mircrosoft side.

    I saw the trailer for the new Mortal Kombat game releasing later this year so I am going to look into that and then it is just being patient for Tekken 7!
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    Guilty Gear XRD out today!!!! I keep checking the store to see if they've put it up for download yet. Still nothing. :(

    I have high hopes for this, though it probably won't dethrone 3rd Strike, which has become the top game we play recently.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    I grew up on Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis way back when. I still have them in a box somewhere....

    I loved me some Soul Calibur II on PS2, though. I'm not much for fighting games honestly, but I absolutely love that game.
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    The soul calibur games are definitely some of my favorites.

    That's too bad you're not that into fighters, do you generally have others to play with or play alone? Fighting games for me are definitely a group activity. I rarely play on my own. Maybe to unlock characters or just see a story mode, but usually that's boring for me. AI is either too easy to predict and is a pushover, or is too hard to read and frustrating to play against. Plus you can't really gloat to your TV without looking like a doof. :)
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    Plus you can't really gloat to your TV without looking like a doof. :)

    But it happens anyway >.> LOL

    I typically play my games alone, as I don't have many gamer friends, and people online are mean XP
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Mortal kombat is my all time favorite.. :D I played it on Sega. I have a few DBZ games on my PS3 and also Naruto and Mortal Kombat :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    One of my buddies in college (late 80s-early 90s) was obsessed with Street Fighter. I had played a handful of times and had fun but wasn't very good. He kept bugging me to play him head to head and I agreed.

    And I beat him.

    As he geared up for a rematch I turned and said "I will never play this game with you again" and walked out of his rooms to howls of anger. And never played him again. Lifetime record: 1-0
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I suck at them but one of my favorites is Sega's Virtual Fighter series. I remember when I got a Sega Saturn, it was one of the games that came with the console. I also like Soul Calibur too.
  • I really like the Hisoutensoku community, as obscure as that game is.
  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member
    I actually didn't start playing fighting games until about a year and a half ago, so I'm not great at them. I am currently playing USF4 and I love it!

    I've heard really great things about the new Guilty Gear, but I haven't played it yet. I think it might be a bit too advanced for me right now. Just out of curiosity, what system do you play on TheCrawlingChaos? I'm always trying to find new people to play with.

    Also, what does everyone thing about playing fighting games online? I have a pretty good internet connection, but I still experience lag. I can't punish other people's mistakes properly because of the difference in frames. It really sucks sometimes, but there's not much I can do I suppose.
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I actually didn't start playing fighting games until about a year and a half ago, so I'm not great at them. I am currently playing USF4 and I love it!

    I've heard really great things about the new Guilty Gear, but I haven't played it yet. I think it might be a bit too advanced for me right now. Just out of curiosity, what system do you play on TheCrawlingChaos? I'm always trying to find new people to play with.

    Also, what does everyone thing about playing fighting games online? I have a pretty good internet connection, but I still experience lag. I can't punish other people's mistakes properly because of the difference in frames. It really sucks sometimes, but there's not much I can do I suppose.

    The new GG is so good. The systems in those anime-style fighting games are always a bit crazy and I don't always understand them all the way, but that doesn't stop me from having fun. As long as you're playing with people around the same skill level it's fun.

    I haven't played much online. It really is a completely different experience because of the lag, and if the game doesn't have good net code it can be impenetrable, at least for me. That doesn't mean I won't play online, though. I have been spending a little time playing KOF98 ultra mega extreme whateveredition on steam lately.

    I play on a lot of stuff. I have a ton of fighters on 360. Ps3 I have a few, like all my imports and any 4-button fighter (I like the ps3 controller better for those). I also have the new GG on ps4, and I probably have just about every fighter on steam. If you play on any of those send me a pm and we can exchange logins.