How long until it's time to call the doctor again?

Okay PCOS ladies... Thoughts here if you don't mind!

Hadn't had a cycle since September. So, I was given medication to induce it. Well, it's now been three weeks of moderate-heavy bleeding. How long until I should call my doctor again/what should I do to hurry it along? This getting annoying. Hahah.


  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    I would of gone last week, just saying
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    It can't hurt to place a call just to ask. I'd couch it by saying, "I didn't want to worry too much, and I knew it could be heavier, but this has gone on three weeks now, and I just wanted to know at what point I should be concerned and come in." Most professionals will respect the fact that you didn't rush to the ER like you were dying on day 11 (supposedly normal periods can be 7-10 days for normal = NOT US type people). They will also respect that you are listening to your body, but are having growing concern and just want to check in. You might also call your pharmacist just to ask about the meds... Could be someone forgot to mention how long it would be or you might not have fully absorbed something they said. Plus your body is playing catch up. If you aren't feeling iron/blood low levels tiredness, I'd just say it is your body making up for lost time. If you're starting to feel anemic or exhausted, I'd say call ASAP! Learn your body's new language. :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I would of gone last week, just saying

    I'm largely in agreement with this, but also with Knit's response.

    Anything more than a week means something's not quite right. It could be the meds doing their job and this is a known thing, or it could be your body over-responding or a side effect.

    How much of a concern it might be depends largely on the definition of "heavy" and whether it's affecting your blood volume and iron levels. I've seen women who have bled so heavily that it did become an emergency situation, as well as some women who are chronically anemic but nothing more serious due to overly heavy periods, but doctors are stumped as to what's wrong.

    Call the doctor, tell them what's going on (make sure they understand that it's a) been heavy and b) been three weeks), and see if it's something expected or if it's cause for concern. Either they'll tell you it's not an issue and wait it out for X amount of additional time, or they'll have you come in at their next feasible opening.
  • thetragicjoy
    thetragicjoy Posts: 32 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    It can't hurt to place a call just to ask. I'd couch it by saying, "I didn't want to worry too much, and I knew it could be heavier, but this has gone on three weeks now, and I just wanted to know at what point I should be concerned and come in." Most professionals will respect the fact that you didn't rush to the ER like you were dying on day 11 (supposedly normal periods can be 7-10 days for normal = NOT US type people). They will also respect that you are listening to your body, but are having growing concern and just want to check in. You might also call your pharmacist just to ask about the meds... Could be someone forgot to mention how long it would be or you might not have fully absorbed something they said. Plus your body is playing catch up. If you aren't feeling iron/blood low levels tiredness, I'd just say it is your body making up for lost time. If you're starting to feel anemic or exhausted, I'd say call ASAP! Learn your body's new language. :)

    I'm not feeling sick at all from it (making sure to stay very hydrated!), it's just getting to the point where I'm like "Okay, this is pretty annoying to deal with every day."

    Sunday starts my round of sugar pills on my first set of BC (Doctor advised me to start them the Sunday after bleeding starts). I had hoped each week the different BC dose would straighten it out but it hasn't happened. I will call and see if I need additional medicine or if they think month 2 of BC will clear it up.
  • thetragicjoy
    thetragicjoy Posts: 32 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I would of gone last week, just saying

    I'm largely in agreement with this, but also with Knit's response.

    Anything more than a week means something's not quite right. It could be the meds doing their job and this is a known thing, or it could be your body over-responding or a side effect.

    How much of a concern it might be depends largely on the definition of "heavy" and whether it's affecting your blood volume and iron levels. I've seen women who have bled so heavily that it did become an emergency situation, as well as some women who are chronically anemic but nothing more serious due to overly heavy periods, but doctors are stumped as to what's wrong.

    Call the doctor, tell them what's going on (make sure they understand that it's a) been heavy and b) been three weeks), and see if it's something expected or if it's cause for concern. Either they'll tell you it's not an issue and wait it out for X amount of additional time, or they'll have you come in at their next feasible opening.

    It has varied from EXTREMELY HEAVY to normal, then back to heavy. It's really odd.

    I have relatively high iron and have been drinking fluids, so I'm not terribly worried, just again, irritated by it. I had a cycle that lasted almost 2 months back in April (different doctor then)... Sigh. The pleasures of PCOS. ;)