Looking for an accountabilibuddy!

steff8309 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Hello! I'm a 32 year old working mom. I've struggled to balance everything and would like to lose 20 pounds to get back to a healthy weight range. I have a 30s bucket list that includes running a half marathon (non-competitive.... Just finish). Looking for an accountabilibuddy to work towards weight loss, training for a half marathon, or maybe both.



  • misa411
    misa411 Posts: 5 Member
    We could be twins! I am a 34 year old working mom also trying to lose 20 pounds. I am starting a half marathon training program in a little over a week, which I am super excited about. Are you still looking for a pair?

  • batterec
    batterec Posts: 2 Member
    I am not sure if either of you found someone, but I am also looking for an accountability buddy. I am a 36 year old woking mom with 30 lbs to lose. I would like to start running with a goal of running a 15 mine trail near my house. Please reapond/message me if you are interested. Thanks.