New to group, submitting VSG paperwork for approval today.

Having been overweight to obese for as long as I can remember, in a family with all the other members being of average/normal weight, weight loss has always been a struggle for me. I lost 70lbs counting weight watchers points and exercising my freshman/sophomore year of college, but the weight slowly crept back on. Unfortunately, I'm now at my highest known weight (335.7 as of Tuesday). I also started a "biggest loser" competition at work, and am on a team with 3 other women (though I'm the largest by nearly 100lbs...).

I'm nervous about the approval process, about the surgery itself, and about life after the surgery, but I'm also very optimistic and hopeful. I've been looking for online support groups and was glad to find this one on MFP, a site I already use.

I plan to look over previous posts over the next few days to see what kind of advice/support has already been given by other members of the group before asking any questions I might have. I look forward to being a part of this group and this community. :)


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Hi and welcome! Research all your questions and it will help ease your mind. Plan ahead and you will be successful. Best wishes!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Glad you found this group, it has been a huge help and support to me during my whole journey. One thing that I think is super important is to follow the plan given to you by your surgeon and his team first and foremost. People here in this group can share experiences and opinions and give you support, and that is priceless, but doing what you need to do as instructed by your surgical team will keep you going in the right direction. Good luck to you!!
  • HindsightBias2009
    HindsightBias2009 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, ladies! :)
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    I agree with following the Dr's instructions and let this support group fill in the blanks. I have had a great experience here on MFP with people who are willing to share and help. I'm also planning to be here to help you and others. As a retired nurse I'm familiar with the medical side also.
    Best of luck with your choices may they serve you well.
  • HindsightBias2009
    HindsightBias2009 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, Randy! :)
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Welcome!! Peruse... read... make friends-- this community (VSG board) is SUPER helpful and friendly. Unlike some of the general forums on MFP, this is a place where you will get lots of encouragement and help. Everyone is respectful and kind. I LOVE it here (in case you couldn't tell. LOL).
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I had my surgery in November. I am following the plan I was given, which does differ from some of the plans that others have been given. You need to follow the plan you are given. Everyone here has been willing to help and it is has been invaluable to me. There are things that come up that I hadn't thought of or had not been addressed in my classes, and the people in this VSG group have been extremely knowledgeable and in most cases- been there done that. Go through the discussions and you will find almost any subject you can think of. Send out friend requests and we can all be moral support. Use your prep time before surgery to change habits and make new ones that will help you after surgery-- and probably before too! Welcome!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Like Thaeda sez; read all of the groups here on MFP (Sleever's, VSGer's and Gastric Bypass/VSG/LapBand are the three I follow regularly) and add some friends from every stage in the process (pre-op, recent post-op and veteran) so that you can see into the daily routines and struggles of all stages.

    Ask any and all questions you have and you will start to see the breadth of the WLS experience. You probably will not be able to predict your path, but you will see the full spectrum and understand that your path will likely fall somewhere in there.

    I am 3+ months post-op, and my main advice is to hit the pre-surgery plan as hard as you can. Get used to the habits and behaviors that you will need post-op and get into as good physical shape as you are able. I did that and had a remarkably smooth surgery and post-op experience so far. It is obviously not a guarantee, but it seems like the right path to me.

  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome to the start of the new you! Can't echo what others have said. My sleeve isn't quite 2 months old yet - and the folks here are so helpful; whether I've asked direct questions or read posts. And very encouraging friends on your daily feed!