New Year, New start?

chocs_away Posts: 29 Member
It's been a while... I'm back on tracking for January. Think I've lost some of my old FitnessPal friends in the months I've not been on.
Swam today, lovely & quiet - need to get some motivation for exercising in the dark mornings before work next week though.

I'm sure there must be other Scots new, or logging back in with resolutions?


  • fiferjim
    fiferjim Posts: 56 Member
    Back to gym and logging this week. Put on a lot of the weight I lost which isn't great but If I hadn't lost it I dread to think what I'd weigh now.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Yes! I'm back again too! I've gained a whopping 12lbs in the last few months that i wasn't on! It's scary how fast it goes on when you are not tracking, and how much you actually underestimate what is going into your mouth!

    I've recently signed up to do the Kiltwalk in April, so i now need to get in shape for that! 26 miles is not going to be easy.

    I always think having a goal or something to focus you certainly does help.

    Hope you are all fired up and ready to get healthy in 2015. :smile:
  • chocs_away
    chocs_away Posts: 29 Member
    Yep I was about 12lbs up in 2014... I did so well 2013 but got a bit complacent.
    Maybe I need a goal, but 26 mile walk doesn't appeal...
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    I'm reinvigorated for the New Year! Put some weight on over the Festivities but excited to have a healthy year ahead. :)
  • chocs_away
    chocs_away Posts: 29 Member
    So the logging resolution is going ok, the going to bed by 10.30 resolution not so much... :smiley:
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    I hear ya! I'm rubbish at going to bed, intent to be in bed by 11pm and before I know it, it's about 1 am. Will work on it though!
  • josser1978
    josser1978 Posts: 20 Member
    I put 12 back on as well although I had not weighed in since June until Jan !!!! 3 off in the first week tho which is good !!! This weather is not good motivation to get out running however!!!
  • johnjames83
    johnjames83 Posts: 4 Member
    hey guys ive fell off the wagon big time so im back to give it a go again this time its affecting my health so im doing lots of prep to get my head in the place it needs to be im an excuse and put off till tomorrow kind of guy so once i go to the dentist on thursday get my tooth sorted and able to eat again im starting this with full commitment hope to hear of your successes through the year to help motivate me

  • EmmC21
    EmmC21 Posts: 6 Member
    I joined a gym in November and have been going swimming 4 or 5 times a week although have yet to venture into the actual gym bit (with those scary machines!). Only lost 1lb so far but tracking every day and feeling better. I lost about 3 stone with MFP 3 years ago but the old habits came back when I didn't track. Definitely agree that the mental preparation is crucial. Still have all my old 'thin' clothes from when I did a crazy diet 7 years ago and lost 6 stone (gained it all back as fast as I lost it). I hold them up and think 'was I that small?' but at the time still thought I was too fat. Sigh. Oh well, one step (and pound) at a time. Nice to see people posting on here :-)
  • chocs_away
    chocs_away Posts: 29 Member
    OMG - just saw that I started this back in Jan. And I think I lasted less than a week...
    Back again for another re-start! Perhaps New Year is too much of a pressured time for resolutions when I was starting a new job too - let's try a new month instead and see how much progress I can make in this second half of the year....

    Has anyone else had issues committing?
    I'm really disapointed with the weight I've put on this year - still, new month, new start.