
Not really sure what to put here but I thought I'd at least welcome anyone that stumbled across the group.

I'll add some introduction to myself later... Heading to my aqua aerobics class!


  • A little about me.... Been using MyFitnessPal for a while now... Just recently added a fitbit to my arsenal. My brother got me started on MFP earlier in the fall when I saw him for the first time in a while and he had lost 65 pounds using the app.... No exercise at all. I was amazed. Now the My Peak Challenge has encouraged me to try a bit harder with the exercise because diet doesn't seem to be doing it alone. I have lost 20 pounds though, but need to lose at least 20 more by May when I'll be heading to Europe for our 30th anniversary.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I'm Lorina. *waves* I'm an old hand at MFP. I used it very successfully ~5 years ago when out of nowhere I decided I wanted to do the Warrior Dash. I went from total couch potato to running 5 and 10k races with my brother & niece, then got into weight lifting. I looked and felt great. See? :blush:


    Then a little over a year ago, my depression snuck up on me and I lost my motivation. With the Polar Vortex Winter from Hell and some plantar fasciitis problems, I stopped exercising, but kept eating as if I were. But I really didn't care. Right after my motivation returned, I messed up my lower back. I had a few months of physical therapy and slowly started to feel better, and slowly started to lose weight. Then I got a steroid injection and almost instantly regained the 10 pounds I'd fought so hard to lose. ARG!!! :confounded:

    I said "f-it" over the holidays, didn't do much of anything, and amazingly didn't gain any more. My motivation is in high gear, my back pain is manageable (with the help of Vicodin on really bad days), and I'm ready to get back in there and kick some *kitten*.
  • Welcome! You do look great in the picture! There is hope for me. Hope your back doesn't give you any more trouble.